Sir Francis Burdett Bart
Mr Kean, as Sir Giles Overreach
Thomas Parr
Vera effigies reuerendi in christo patris ac D....
Lewis Powell, Caerdydd
Richard Davies (Mynyddog)
Revd. John Pillans Camberwell Green, London
Old Parr aged 152 years
Philippe 1er Roi des Français, et sa famille
John Bartlett
Mrs Elizabeth Rowe
Mr. Alexander Pope
David Davies
Thomas Charles Archbishop of Canterbury
Yr Hen Bryderch
Revd. W. Ambrose Port Madoc
William Lloyd Bishop of St. Asaph
Richard Baxter
Evan James author of the words of 'Hen...
John Harrison Curtis Efqr. F.M.S aurist to his...
S. Bonaventra
Revd. John Davies, Nantglyn, Denbighshire
Robert Devereux
J. W. H. Powell
Twm o'r Nant
Thomas Pennant Esq
Mat : Henry
Revd. John Findlay, Paisley
Lord Byron
Revd. Joseph Collier