Fochriw primary School
Military / War / British Legion Records,...
Law & Order; Inquests Records, Fochriw 1865...
Public Services / Miners' Welfare Records,...
Places of Worship Records, Fochriw 1864-1964
Friendly Societies Records, Fochriw 1865-1964
Education Records, Fochriw 1864-1964
Disease / Medical Services at Fochriw 1864-1964
Coal Mining Records,Fochriw 1865-1964
Sport Records, Fochriw 1867-1964
Merthyr Express Records For Fochriw 1946
Key to Pentwyn Burial Records
Spreadsheet: Pentwyn Churchyard Burial Records ...
Fochriw Weddings, 1880-1964 BY SURNAME OF...
Fochriw Weddings, 1880-1964 BY SURNAME OF BRIDE...
Fochriw Weddings, 1880-1964 BY YEAR in Excel
Fochriw Records of Weddings inc.Golden, 1880-1964
Weather Records, Fochriw 1866-1963
Waun Fair /Agricultural Fairs Records, Fochriw...
The Tunnel Pit Mystery 1870-1876
The Aged / OAPs Records, Fochrow 1891-1964
Temperance / Grand Templars Records, Fochriw...
Street Collections Records, Fochriw 1909-1964
Politics Records, Fochriw 1884-1964
Fochriw People 1878-1964
Penny Readings Records, Fochriw 1865-1909
Outings/ Treats Records, Fochriw 1880-1964
MEX Records for Fochriw linked to '...
Industrial Action, Fochriw 1873-75
Housing Records, Fochriw 1882-1964