
The eighth issue of CeNeS: The Magazine of Cardiff New (later Reform) Synagogue that came out in April 1996.

Noteworthy features:

1) Rabbi Elaina Rothman's article: 'Choosing to "embrace Judaism"'.
She discusses the different aspects of being Jewish. Is it a matter of culture of faith? Secular life or religious life?

2) This issue describes a visit made to Cardiff Reform Synagogue by President of The Board of Deputies.

3) The regular column about the cheder contains a report that the Youth Association of Synagogues of Great Britain performed Purim Megilla before a large congregation and that it was recorded by the BBC.

4) This issue of the magazine contains an advertisement for: 'Till faith do us part' a book about mixed-faith couples. It describes how there had been a significant rise in mixed-faith marriages in recent years.

5) In the Open Forum there is the piece: 'Why I am a Reform Jew' which was written by William W Mushin on 1 August 1980
He outlines two dominant themes of Jewish thought and action:
1. Kadushah (holiness): attitude and behaviour towards God
2. Tzadakah (righteousness): behaviour towards fellow humans
He makes the case that for Reform Judaism the second theme and the ethical and moral implications of it are more greatly considered than the first.

The Cardiff Reform Synagogue was founded in 1948 as the Cardiff New Synagogue. The following year, it became a constituent member of the Movement for Reform Judaism. Born in reaction against the more restrictive traditions of the Orthodox Judaism of Cardiff Hebrew Congregation, such as the prohibition of driving on the Sabbath and the ban on interfaith marriages, the new Synagogue appealed to the immigrants who had fled the war-torn Europe, where the Reform movement was already well-established. The services were initially held in the Temple of Peace. The congregation now worships in a converted Methodist Chapel on Moira Terrace they acquired in 1952.

Depository: Glamorgan Archives.

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