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How was the re-build funded?
A contractor had to be brought in and paid for, to carry out the demolition. The Presbyterian Church of Wales provided some funding, so did the Church. Money was raised by the community after an appeal was made by the Mayor of Newport. There was a leaflet produced called 'We Shall Rebuild.'
All the work camp people, (they helped with the demolition and reclaimed some of the materials left over from the demolition) paid their own way, which was amazing. Cyril Summers became a council member during the time of the demolition and managed to persuade the council to fund a purpose-built youth centre. He also persuaded the council to employ a full-time youth worker – there was no such thing at the time. Money was made available by the government and the local council. Selby started work in the voluntary sector and then the council provided the role of youth warden which Brian took on for 30 years.
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