
Mihangel ap Iwan informs his mother that he returned from Patagonia just over a week earlier, having been away for two months, putting his brother's affairs in order. His brother, Llwyd ap Iwan, was killed by bandits in the Andes in December 1909. Mihangel had taken his family with him, but they remained in Porth Madryn, while he travelled to the Andes.

He explains that he travelled to Nant y Pysgod where he remained for a fortnight. He brought his sister-in-law, Myfanwy, and her children down from the farm but Mihangel was left behind to round up the cattle and sheep and take the wool to market. Construction work has already started on a new house for the family. He also visited his brother's grave in Esquel, which is some 30 miles from Nant y Pysgod. He explains that his brother was killed instantly when the two bullets which were fired entered his heart. He asks his mother to make arrangements to send a gravestone as soon as possible to Port Madryn.

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