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The 'Borough Guide' produced by the Town Council and Edward J Burrows Co around 1905 contains an advert for Morgan and Co in Little Darkgate Street noting that the premsies were lately J Downie. The company were bonders and merchants of wine and spirits. There speciality was fine old Glenlivert Scotch Whiskey (9 years old) at 3/6 per bottle. They also advertised Worthington's Pale Ale at 2/6 per dozen; Guinness's Extrat Stout at 2/6 per dozen; and The City Brewery Co's Pale Ale at 2/- per dozen. The advert in the later 'Aberystwyth Official Guide and Souvenir' published in 1924 notes that the company was established in 1810 (the date can still be seen at the eaves) and that they were one of the oldest establishments in Aberystwyth. Draught and bottled ales, stout and cider, wine and spirits, Cockburn's Port and Martinez Sherry were all stocked by the company, along with Schweppes and Ellis mineral waters. The phone number of the office and vaults was number 2.

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