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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1.
- COVER: “ELECTION ‘92 Trident - the silence is deafening” accompanied by a cartoon of a fictional H.M.S. Redundant
Page 2.
- “LOCAL ACTION” column by CND Cymru campaigning on cancelling the Trident program within Wales, highlighting the “Seize the Moment” petition.
- “Trident - Now What?” article by Peter Burt on the bleak future of the Trident programme according to senior naval officers, commenting on construction problems, overrunning costs and safety fears.
- “HOW YOU CAN STOP TRIDENT” advertisement by CND Cymru
Page 3.
- “A long haul to disarmament” - A discussion arranged by “Heddwch” with CND Cymru’s Bob Cole and Bruce Kent of the International Peace Bureau on the prospects for peace and disarmament.
Page 4.
- “RAMBLING FOR PEACE” column by Jill Freeman on the Sennybridge Military Ranges.
- “Women of Substance” article by Thalia Campbell on the need for statues recognising prominent women’s achievements.
- “Who forgot disarmament?” - A short piece about the International Peace Bureau and the preparatory meetings leading up to the 1992 Earth Summit.
Page 5.
- “Election ‘92: where the parties stand” - Statements to “Heddwch” from the various British political parties (Conservative, Labour Wales, Green, Plaid Cymru and Liberal Democrats) on their positions on peace and disarmament issues.
Page 6.
- “Low Flying Up-Date” column on the Powys conference on low-flying military aircraft in Wales.
- “A year after the Gulf War” article by the Chair of CND Cymru David Morris MEP assessing the lessons of the Peace Movement in the months after the war on the liberation of Kuwait, focusing on the Arab-Palestinian and Yugoslavian conflicts.
Page 7.
- “Arms spending is a killer” article by Vice-Chair of British CND, Adrienne Morgan, on how defence spending on Trident warheads has led to under-investment in other important social programs, such as infrastructure, schools and healthcare.
- “The campus connection” reports compiled by Student CND on the secrecy of campus military research on biological and chemical weapons that will likely worsen problems of proliferation and perpetuation of an arms race.
- “COLLEGE ROUND-UP” - A list of the Ministry of Defence funding conventional weapons research at various academic institutions in Wales.
Page 8.
- “Orimulsion - a quick killing?” article on the Government White Paper “This Common Inheritance - Britain’s Environmental Strategy’ released in 1990, talking about the effects of acid pollution on Wales’ lakes, rivers and habitats.
- “Trawsfynydd on a tightrope” article by Hugh Richards of the Welsh Anti-Nuclear Alliance on problems faced by the Magnox reactors.
Page 9.
- “Selling Peace” piece by Cynthia Thomas on ways to help out the Cardiff Peace Shop.
- “Travel Service” piece on Servas, an international peace co-operative for the exchange of ideas, culture and friendship by Chris Sadler.
- “CND Cymru conference” short piece on the annual conference in Swansea.
- “Travel in style” advert
- “Support CND Cymru’s campaign for a peaceful world” advertisement.
Page 10.
- “Invest for a Better World, and Benefit CND” advert by the Ethical Investors Group.
- “CND Cymru” form for contributions, advertisements and campaigning literature.
- “Peace Shop” advertisement in Cardiff.
- “Paul Donovan Builders” advertisement.

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