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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.


Page 1.
- “BAN THE BOMB” article on the replacement of the Trident system despite Britain’s commitment to the NPT to disarm itself.
- “Serious and Organised Grandmothers” piece on the first known arrests under Section 28 of SOPCA for trespassing at certain military sites housing American military and nuclear sites in Britain.
- “RED DRAGON DAY AT FASLANE” advertisement.

Page 2.
- “Who are these fools?” article on the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) dressing up as clowns at G8 protests.
- “Protestors Prevent Contractors Work at Nuclear Site” article on ‘Block the Builders’ movement at Aldermaston.
- Continuation of “Serious and Organised Grandmothers” piece from Page 1.
- “In Pursuit of Alternatives to War” advertisement.

Page 3.
- “Don’t Attack Iran! Bring the Troops home from Iraq!” appeal to CND Cymru supporters to join the 18th March demonstration organised in London.
- Continuation of “BAN THE BOMB” article from Page 1 on why nuclear weapons should be banned and appeal for action to contact the media and those in government on the issue.
- “CND Urges Opposition to Attack on Iran” article on concerns of recent press reports of a US-led attack on Iran being inevitable if failing to comply with UN Security Council demands, despite Britain not complying to obligations being set out by the NPT.

Page 4.
- “A Nuclear Bomb on Aberystwyth” article showcasing the devastating effects of a 1 kiloton nuclear bomb striking the Aberystwyth Town Hall amidst a growing number of countries joining the ‘nuclear club’.
- “Labour Government ‘hides’ from Trident Inquiry” article and appeals to publish the Government Trident Replacement Research.

Page 5.
- “NO life sentence for soldiers who refuse to be occupiers” article on the Parliamentary Armed Forces Bill that would impose harsh penalties on soldiers refusing to take part in military occupations. Appeal for action, wider media awareness and petitions.
- “Nuclear Power - Absolutely not!” piece on a consultation by the Department of Trade and Industry Energy Review on the influence of pro-nuclear lobbyists on the Government and a list of reasons why nuclear power is not the answer to climate change.
- “Wylfa: Nuclear Schizophrenia” appealed for action on extending the lifespan of the old nuclear power station.
- “Chernobyl - Never Again” book review of Adil Roche’s “Chernobyl Heart - 20 Years On” [New Island Books, 2006].

Page 6.
- “Diary Dates” events by sympathetic organisations working for peace and environmental and human justice in Wales.
- “Contacts” of different peace networks and groups.
- “Join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” advertisement to join and donate.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.

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