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Being a mum of a two-year-old toddler and trying to work from home is definitely challenging. I am lucky though to work for Cardiff University Library Service because I feel that I can share any concerns I have with my line manager and my team, and I know that I can rely on their advice and support. It is very important to have someone like that especially in these difficult times. I remember the first day when my son's nursery announced the closure, and my instant thought was that it was going to be hard to work from home and look after him at the same time. After a week though, both my husband and myself managed to work out between ourselves the time when one of us is looking after our little boy and the other one is working on the computer. I work flexibly, and quite often I sign in for a couple of hours early in the morning, and then sign in again late in the evening. 

It is day 56 of the lockdown (as I am typing) and we are very much in the routine. My son has now mastered the art of feeding himself giving me a chance to do some work on my laptop :) 

In terms of my daily work duties, I think that it is great to be able to use the 'Virtual Librarian' service during the lockdown and stay in touch with our academic staff and students, however, I do miss the library environment and all our visitors. 

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