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Page 1:
[top right corner] 30
_____ Cwm Celyn & Blaina Iron Works,
________________ Novr 30th 1839

My dear Sir -
The bearer of this is our Constable who
is sent with a man & boy that can give important
evidence against Zephaniah Williams - They are sent
at the request of Mr Phelps - Please cause their examination
to be got over to day that they may return to - morrow
to save expenses - I wrote Mr C. Bailey last night
about another man who can prove that Zephh call'd
over the Division list on the Hill on Sunday night -
I write you fearing Mr Phelps may be out of town
____________________In haste Dear Sir
_____________________________truly yours
_________________________________James Brown

Page 2:
[right hand of page]
Blaina - Nov 30
Thos Brown
Recieved Do
Regina v Z Williams

[across centre of page]
Thos Jones Phillips Esqre

[at foot]

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