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Page 1:

Edmund Thomas. I live at Bassaleg
and am a Blacksmith
_at a place called Pye Corner I
Keep the 3 Horse Shoes Public House there
On Monday the fourth of November last
about 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning, I
saw a large body of men passing by
my house along the Tramroad towards
Newport . A great many were armed
some with Guns, some with pikes and
others with different Kinds of iron and
wooden weapons. From 20 to 30
Came into my house and asked, some
for Beer and some for Spirits, - I saw
Old Israel Furmen there and I handed
him a glass of Gin - A person then
Came to the Door of my house - dressed
in a plaid Frock Coat. It was a white
ground with either black or dark blue
Stripes - he was a middle sized man
he remained at the Door for some
time - from 20 minutes to half an hour
I should think - he said several times
to the men who were passing
while there "March on "what the
"Devil do you want to drink Beer
"or Spirits. Do you want to get drunk
"You do know this is our Day
"Go on, That is Frost s' Orders" he
"repeated these words in Welch as well
"as in English. As he left my Door
he said to me "For God's sake shut the Door
"or else we sha'nt have the men down
"to Day" I did not know this person
but I it was Edmund

[top l. margin]

This my house
held for lives
under John
Jones of Llanarth

Page 2:
Edmunds - I believe I should be
sure to know him if I saw him
again. The Mob took a great
number of Iron Articles out of
My Smiths' Shop[*]
____________Edmund Thomas

Decr. 5th 1839
[?] Th...

[*Edmund Thomas' [Black]Smith's Shop]

Page 3:
[across 2nd fold of page]
Reg: Vs Ed. Edmunds

Edmund Thomas
of Bassaleg's Depo-
sition -

Copied on Brief
J.P. 10/1/40


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