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the year afsd & on divers other days & times
between that day ... & the taking
__to wit at Bedwellty afsd in
__ the county afsd unlawfully
this Inquisition ^ procure cast & make
divers to wit 500 leaden bullets for
the purpose of the same being and
for the loading of firearms
for the more effectually carrying the
said conspiracy combination confederacy
& agreement into effect agt the peace
of our said Lady the Queen her
Crown & Dignity -

And the Jurors afsd upon their oath afd do further present
that the sd Evan Edwards heretofore to wit on the
sd 1st day of Novr in the yr of our Ld 1839 afsd
& on divers other days & times between that day &
the taking this Inquisition to wit at Bedwellty
afsd in the County afsd unlawfully knowingly & seditiously did
conspire combine confederate & agree with divers
other persons to the Jurors unknown to raise

Vol 7

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