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Edward Brickley native of Ireland
I have worked nearly 2 years at Pillgwenlly
with William Stevens and lived at Thos
Gibb ons' House I lodge in one of Gibbys Rooms I was working at
Wm Stevens's Shop the week before
the Riots at Newport I saw a Man
come to my Master with a Pattern
of some Pikes to make. The Man
was Davies at the Pottery at Pill
Stevens made two according
to the Pattern Davies brought they were
about 10 Inches long and
an 1 1/2 Inch wide they were ground sharpe He came a
second time and said he had
broke the first and Gibby made him
another of the same form he
said they were for digging Earth
I never saw such things for digging Earth. I never
ground such things before
Stevens Shop is down a passage
by the Tredegar Arms [Pillgwenlly] I remember
Gibby and a man I did not know
come to my Masters Shop the Friday
before the Riots after six oclock I saw Gibby and the
Man Grind a Pike. It was a long
one. They said they were going
to have a meeting and wanted

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me to go with them I told them
I would not go they said that
I told anything of what I had
seen I should suffer for it
myself I know Jenkin Morgan
the milkman I was there on
the Sunday night before the Riots John Gibby
John Stevens The Irishman David Kerry was there
Morgan Jenkins & His Wife. They had
the Sticks in the Kitchen I saw 4
& saw the pikes upon them [?] &Stop about
half an hour - I was out Sunday
night but when I came back there
. some one come from
John Gibby to order us to Jenkin
Morgan's House I went but refused to join them I did not
know any other persons besides
Jenkin Morgan his Wife John.
Gibby John Stevens the Irishman
and myself but there were two
other men there and [?]a woman I did not know they
fastened the Pikes on with Hatchets
& made noise in so doing I heard them
say they were going to meet some party
about the Poor House they went out
one by one with Pikes in
their hands I saw Jenkin Morgan go I did
not see whether he took a Bayonet but I
saw one in the House at Jenkin Morgan

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The following is written vertically downwards in the left margin

I saw all the men go out one after the other Pikes when they were fastened
on I went back about 1/2 p[ast] 7 I was ordered to go with them at Jenkin
Morgans I said I had no weapons and would not go when they told me if I told
any thing I knew they would kill me. The Pikes I saw ground at my Masters on the
[paper fold/words missing] was for Jenkin Morgan & the others for Davies at the Pottery The X mark of
E Brickley
The following line is written vertically upwards in the left margin

Depo: of Edwd Brickley

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