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The voluntary Information of
__late of Pillgwenlly Newport Blacksmith
David Herring ^ about 3 Months
ago I was at work with Mr ^ Wm Evans
of Pillgwenlly Smith and continued
to work with him till I was
apprehended. I know John Gibby
he was a Blacksmith that
worked upon Mr Evans's Foundry.
There was an Irishman whose
name I do not recollect working
in the Shop - there was an old
man Grey headed who wore
Spectacles that worked in the
Shop as well. I remember
the Friday night before this
Row commenced the Riots
at Newport. I was working
at Mr Evans's Shop with John
Gibby. a couple of nights ^ before he
asked me to do a job at another
Shop as he wanted to do something
which he did not want me

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to know anything about. He
did not go the night he spoke
of but went the Friday night
before the Row. The shop is
on the left hand close to
the Tredegar Arms down a narrow
passage or Lane. He asked me to
go down to this place Friday night
after leaving my work at 6 Oclock
I went home & then went
to this Shop. I went to Gibbys
House and he took me with
him to the Shop. Stephens John
Gibby and two others were
in the Shop making Pikes
likes this [#] some straight &
others of different sorts John
Gibby had a straight one for
himself. There was a Grindstone

[ # small drawing denoting a pike head]

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in the Shop & I helpd John Gibby
_____________________ sharp as
grind the Pikes they were as ^
Razors they told me they were
for this business (the bit of a Row)
I saw about a dozen made
in the Shop - the door was
kept fast all the time - the
old man the Irish Man Gibby
& myself were all that were
in the Shop. We were about it
half an hour & I went home
they told me that if I would not
join this mischief they would
__ & I was told to be at Gibby's
be the death of me ^On Sunday
night. I was afraid of my life -
& I went to John Gibbys House
in Pillgwenlly about 6 O clock
on Sunday before the Row
^ Then he & I went to Morgan Jenkins
House at Pillgwenlly the Milkman.
We saw Jenkin Morgan & about
a dozen besides after I was there
the Irishman came in. They were

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[across text in left margin]
Reg vs Jenkin Morgan

Gibby & others

Depo: David Herring

____________the Pikes
fastening on on handles
with 2 small Hatchets there
was a bundle of Handles in
a little back House which Jenkin
Morgan Brought out Jenkin Morgans
Wife & some other women were
there Gibby went out
and asked what time they would
be going Morgan said just about
10 Oclock Gibby said he would
go after his Pikes & returned with
one himself I saw several
go out with Pikes before 9
Oclock - They told me they were
going as far as Caerleon to meet
the Caerleon Mob when I said I
would not go Jenkin Morgan
told me that I shod take my Oath
not to say a word to any man Woman
or Child I said I would rather not go
& did not go they went out &
Jenkin Morgan had a Bayonet in
his belt & one of the long Pikes
which I had ground with the Cross ...
in his Hands
The mark of ___ X
David Herring

[over written across text
along r. margin]

John Gibby and
John Stevens

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