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Page 1:
102 [In top right corner of page]

House out of the way, I know the Prisoner, I did not
see him all that day, I think I saw him on Sunday
the day before, by the Post Office, I had no conversation
with him, he was talking to young Wells who is
the Son of Mr Wells who is Partner to Mr Wood the
Flour Merchant
___________H. Ewins
Sworn before us

Thos. Hawkins
W,, Brewer
James Coles
Octavius Morgan

The Prisoner being called upon for his defence and
duly cautioned states as follows, "I have nothing to say"

Thos. Hawkins
W,, Brewer
James Coles
Octavius Morgan

Bound over by his Master entering into a Recognizance
in the Sum of £50 for his appearance at the next
Assizes to answer to any Charge that may be
brought against him.

Henry Jones. £50 Bail for Prisoner
who is under age. --------------
Thos Hawkins
W,, Brewer
James Coles

Octavius Morgan

4 [Encircled at bottom centre of page]

Page 2:
The Queen


Charles Groves.

Depositions of Witnesses.

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