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Monmouthshire to wit, THE JURORS for our Sovereign Lady the QUEENupon their Oath present That JOHN FROST late of
Newport in the county of Monmouth Draper CHARLES WALTERS late of the same place labourer JOHN
LOVELL late of the same place labourer RICHARD BENFIELD late of the same place labourer JOHN REES late of
the same place labourer GEORGE TURNER late of the same place labourer otherwise called GEORGE COLE
ZEPHANIAH WILLIAMS late of the same place labourer EDMUND EDMUNDS late of the same place labourer
JENKIN MORGAN late of the same place labourer SOLOMON BRITAN [BRITON] late of the same place labourer WIL-
LIAM JONES late of the same place labourer JAMES AUST late of the same place labourer one other JOHN REES
late of the same place labourer and DAVID JONES late of the same place labourer

being Subjects of our said
Lady the Queen as false Traitors against our said Lady the Queen heretofore to wit on the fourth day of November in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine with Force and Arms to wit at Newport in the county of
Monmouth together with a great multitude of false Traitors whose Names are to the said Jurors unknown to the number
of two thousand and more arrayed and armed in a warlike manner that is to say with Guns Pistols Pikes Swords Daggers
Clubs Bludgeons and other Weapons of Offence being then and there unlawfully maliciously and traitorously assembled
and gathered together against our said Lady the Queen wickedly maliciously and traitorously did levy and make War
against our said Lady the Queen within this Realm and being so assembled together arrayed and armed against our said
Lady the Queen as aforesaid did then and there with great Force and Violence parade and march in an hostile and warlike
manner in and through divers towns villages places and public highways in the county aforesaid to wit at Newport aforesaid
in the county aforesaid and did then and there maliciously and traitorously on the said fourth day of November
in the year aforesaid with Force and Arms at Newport aforesaid in the county aforesaid together with a very great
number to wit two thousand and more of the Subjects of our said Lady the Queen whose Names are to the said Jurors
unknown then and there assembled with divers offensive Weapons to wit Guns Pistols Pikes Swords Bludgeons Sticks and
Staves parade and march with great Noise and Violence and in an hostile and warlike manner in through and along divers
public highways towns villages and places in the county aforesaid to wit at Newport aforesaid in the county aforesaid
and did then and there attack and beset the Houses and Habitations of divers liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen
and did then and there force and oblige divers liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queen inhabiting and dwelling in such
Houses and Habitations and others of Her Majesty's liege Subjects then and there being to march along with and join
them the said John Frost Charles Walters John Lovell Richard Benfield John Rees George Turner otherwise called George
Cole Zephaniah Williams Edmund Edmunds Jenkin Morgan Solomon Britan [Briton] William Jones James Aust John Rees and
David Jones

and the said other persons so assembled as aforesaid and did then and there by Force and violence seize and take
divers large quantities of Arms to wit one hundred Guns and one hundred Pistols and other offensive Weapons of and
from divers liege Subjects of our said Lady the Queenand against their will with intent by and with the said last-
mentioned Arms further to arm themselves and other false Traitors in order to attack fight with kill and destroy the
Soldiers Troops and Forces of our said Lady the Queen and other Her liege and faithful Subjects and to raise make and
levy Insurrection Rebellion and War against our said Lady the Queen within this Realm and thereby to subvert and
destroy the Constitution and Government of this Realm as by Law established and to alter and change the Laws of this
Realm by force to wit at Newport aforesaid in the county aforesaid and did then and there maliciously and traitorously
as such false Traitors as last aforesaid on the said Fourth day of November in the year aforesaid with Force and Arms at
Newport aforesaid in the county of Monmouth aforesaid together with a great multitude of false Traitors whose Names
are to the said Jurors unknown to the number of two thousand and more armed and arrayed in warlike manner
that is to say with Guns Pistols Pikes Swords Clubs Bludgeons and other offensive Weapons in an hostile
manner and warlike array march into and enter the town of Newport in the county aforesaid and did then and there
make a forcible violent and warlike Attack upon a certain Dwelling House there situate in a certain part of the town
in which said Dwelling House divers of the Magistrates and Justices of the Peace of our said Lady the Queen and divers of
the Soldiers and Constables of our said Lady the Queen were then and there assembled and then and there with great
Force and Violence and in a warlike manner attempted and endeavoured to break and enter and did then and there break
and enter the said Dwelling House whilst the said Magistrates and Justices of the Peace and the said Soldiers and Con-
stables were therein as aforesaid and then and there with great Force and Violence and in a warlike manner attacked and
with the said Guns and Pistols then and there loaded with Gunpowder and Bullets fired upon the said Magistrates and
Justices of the Peace and the said Soldiers and Constables so being in the said Dwelling House as aforesaid and then and
there wounded and beat divers of said Magistrates and Justices of the Peace and the said Soldiers and Constables to
wit at Newport aforesaid in the county aforesaid and did then and there maliciously and traitorously attempt and endeavour
by Force and Arms and in a warlike manner to subvert and destroy the Government and Constitution of this Realm as by
Law established in contempt of our said Lady the Queen and Her Laws to the evil example of all others contrary to the
Duty of the Allegiance of them the said John Frost Charles Walters John Lovell Richard Benfield John Rees George
Turner otherwise called George Cole Zephaniah Williams Edmund Edmunds Jenkin Morgan Solomon Britan [Briton] William Jones
James Aust John Rees and David Jones

against the form of the Statute in such case made and provided and against the Peace of our said Lady the Queen Her
Crown and Dignity AND THE JURORS aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do further present that the said John
Frost Charles Walters John Lovell Richard Benfield John Rees George Turner otherwise called George Cole Zephaniah
Williams Edmund Edmunds Jenkin Morgan Solomon Britan [Briton] William Jones James Aust John Rees and David Jones being
Subjects of our said Lady the Queen as false Traitors against our said Lady the Queen heretofore to wit on the fourth
day of November in the year aforesaid with Force and Arms to wit at Newport in the county aforesaid together

[Annotations in left margin:]

Levy War

march in hostile manner arrayed and armed

attack habitations and oblige persons to march with them

seize arms

to aim themselves to fight soldiers

make war

Subvert Government

marched into Newport

attacked houses and Constables Magistrates Soldiers


to subvert


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