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it said that they had not left Pontypool at one o Clock it was because it was
so very wet the Prisoner might have heard what was said it was said in
the hearing of the Prisoner it was intended that they should be in Newport
at three o Clock that morning at Cross y Cylog public house I heard something
said about Jones the Watchmaker I should know him again if I was to
see him I saw a person at Cross y Cylog whose appearance I was induced
to remark I believe that person was Jones he was armed he had a pistol
about him. The mob wished him to come out - the same mob the prisoner
was acting with after a while he came out, they said Jones had brought
them to a pretty pass - have brought them so far and then desertg.
them the mob did not afterwards go on with quite so much of eagerness
as before - Before we came to Lantarnam Bridge I left them - that bridge
is about three miles from Newport I did not say that I saw the Prisoner come
to the Stable door he was not at the door when I opened the Door
I did not see him before I opened the door - I saw him the opposite
side of the Clarence by Mr Phelp's new house - I should think it is
from fifty to sixty yards from the Stable door it was just beginning
to break day light I can't say it was Six o Clock to the minute I
knew it was he - I saw him - there was a great number between me
and him I cant say how many there were for the road was quite full I
cant say whether there was a hundred men between me and him I
did not see him immediately after I come out of the door it was about
half a minute before I saw him that I heard him hollowing I knew
it was he because I saw him on the Step going up to Mr. Phillips
front door I heard him before I saw him and I looked over and
saw him on the Step. I know it was he because he had then on
the same coat that he has on now I did know him before he
spoke when he spoke I looked round and saw him on the step
I looked the people and saw the Prisoner between them and
not through them the man we met first was a man going
to his work he had a short smock frock on and a cap it was
then about a quarter past six we did not stand by the Stables a
moment after I came out I dont know the man that was
met with the Cart I dont know either of them I dont
know the owner of the Cart it was not a waggon it was
about nine o Clock when we went to Cross y Cylog we were abt. three
hours going from the Stable to Cross y Cylog - they halted a great many times during the three

[ in left margin:]

51 [encircled]

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