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Vessel Commet Richard Todd Spirit Merchant Cardiff - a knife, combe
Trowers Straps, Gloves, and Spanish Liquorice and two pocket handkerchiefs,
I then ordered him over the side into the Boat to be taken to ~ the police ~
Station - We arrived at the Station about half past 4 this morning - I

entered the charge as against Thomas Jones underground workman Merthyr
- I made the charge myself against him of being on board ~
the Brig Vintage, not being able to give a good account of ~
himself and suspecting him to be Zephaniah Williams - At
Station House I questioned him again and he said he was last
employed at Sirhoury in Mr. Harford's employ and that he left
because he did not like to stay - he left 12 months ago - since then
he had been from one Relation to another, and was last with Joan
Llewellin, he was with her a fortnight ago - He then refused to answer
any more questions because he said it is no use, you won't let me go,
you wont let me go you say until you find out some persons who
knows me and no person knows me in Cardiff, he said the money
is my own, it is in amount about £106 or stop abit £104
and two sixpences - he said he bought the percussion Caps in ~
Cardiff and that he thought to buy a pistol for his own protection,
he said he obtained the Foreign money in Cardiff because he thought
to take a trip - in answer to my question he said he had no particular
notions of that Vessel more than any other - he said he came into
Cardiff about 5 o'Clock on Wednesday Evening last from Bridge End
He said that he walked all the way, that he did not ride, he
then said I will not answer any more questions - at 11 o'Clock to
day he said his name was Zephaniah Williams and I then brought
him on there - When I asked the Captain and the Crew who they
had on board, they said they did not know - the Captain ~
said he came on board late last night, I asked the Captain ~
whether the prisoner had brought any luggage with him on~
board, he said none whatever, not even a Candle, I searched
the Vessel and found nothing but what was claimed by the Crew
It struck me at first that the Captain denied all knowledge

of the prisoner being on board - I found the prisoner in a Berth
which the Captain called the Boys Berth, it was the Berth next the
Captain's - the Captain was ready to sail then, but the wind was not

163 [encircled]

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