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was forcing their way into our room but our shot poured so fast that
they was knocked down as fast as they approached - When I was in
the Act of loading my piece, the pan was knocked off by a Ball from
the Chartists - Our firing continued about 10 minutes when the Streets was
cleared, and Lieutenant Gray ordered cease firing and set about to -
strengthen our position in case of a Second Attack, while he was -
reconnoitering the adjoining rooms he found two of the Chartists
concealed in one of the rooms he brought them into our room and
gave them over in charge of our men, every thing remained quiet
and I was obliged to go up Stairs, as I felt very weak through the
loss of blood and the Doctor extracted three slugs from my head as
soon as my head was dressed I came down stairs and on returning
to the room where our men were I saw 4 dead Bodies in the Passage
and 2 in the Street - I remained at the Westgate Hotel the following
day and every attention was paid to me, when Mr. Phillips the Mayor
of Newport gave directions to have me conveyed to his residence - Where me
and my Wife remained 13 days during which time every attention
was paid to me by his amiable Sister and Family for which I
fervently pray for their welfare and everlasting happiness.
____________________ (Signed) James Daily
_________________________Serjt 45th Regt

30th Novr 1839

[Newport Reference Libraries embossed stamp]

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