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other side of the River from his house ~ He did
not say any thing with reference to those men ~ I
saw men at the Quarry ~ he said there was a
number of men, that was all ~ I should think there
was from 150 to 200 men standing at the Quarry.
_____________________________ Walter Williams

_________________8 _______________

Thomas Jones Phillips Clerk to the Magistrates
__________________at Newport Saith ~ I
know the prisoner at the Bar Samuel Etheridge ~
I know his handwriting well I have seen him write
a great number of times ~ the paper writing purporting
to be a petition to the Commons of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Ireland marked M is in the
handwriting of the prisoner ~ the writing and figures
upon the card now produced marked F is also in the
handwriting of the prisoner.
_________________________ Tho.s Jones Phillips.


Thomas Gunter Sworn Says : I live at Caerleon
__________I am an Inn keeper ~ I know
the prisoner Samuel Etheridge. I remember Monday
the 4th Novr inst. I called upon the prisoner at
his house that morning he keeps a Beer house
about a mile out of Newport ~ Walter Williams
and Charles Rogers were with me it was perhaps
10 or half past 10 o'clock ~ we started from
Caerleon after we heard the firing ~ Caerleon is
about 2 miles from the prisoners house ~ Charles
lives sometimes at Caerleon and sometimes at


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