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Samuel Etheridge's Case.

County of Monmouth to wit } [to left hand side] The information and complaint of
Charles Rogers of the Town of Newport
in the County of Monmouth Chemist and
Druggist made on his oath before me
the undersigned one of Her Majesty's Justices of the
Peace acting in and for the said County this 19th
day of November in the year 1839 who saith :

That about half past ten o'clock in the
morning of Monday the 4th day of November instant
I was at the house of Samuel Etheridge known by
the name of The Fair Oak cottage in company with
Thomas Gunter of Caerleon and
also Walter Williams also of Caerleon ~ Etheridge was also present ~ that
Etheridge observed addressing myself and the others
just named that they, meaning the chartists, of
whom we had been previous speaking, were going on
very comfortably and the Town would be in their
possession in the course of half an hour ~ I had
previously to my going to Etheridge's heard that the
Chartists had left the Town ~ I asked Etheridge where
they were gone
to, he said they were gone to a
certain place and afterwards said they were gone to pull Lewis Edwards' house down ~ he also
observed that the Towns would be down before the
following morning ~ I asked him the object of
the Chartists in attacking the Westgate ~ he replied
as nearly as I can recollect to the effect that they
intended to retain Mr Phillips as a Hostage until
the liberation of Vincent and the other parties now
confined in Gaol - He pointed to a Body of men on

1. [ringed]

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