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William Jones (commonly called
___________William Price Jones)
Sworn States : I am a puddler - I lodge
with John Davies a Laborer at Blaina - I
remember Sunday the 3rd Novr last - I was at
home at the house till half past 11 o'clock - it
was my turn to work at the Forge at Pontymister
that night after 12 o'clock - I work for the Blaina
and Cwm Celyn Compy. - I went to my work and
saw a great many men on the floors they said I
must go along with them - they had Swords, Guns
& pikes along with them - they said I must go with
them or they would kill me - I went with them -
I was then working at Pontymister - they made me
call people by their names out of their houses -
I know Isaac Phillips he is the Prisoner - I have
known him ever since we was children we
in School together - I know Charles Harris's house
at Ponytmister - I saw the Prisoner x go into Harris'
house - I saw some one go after him into the house
it was then about 12 o`clock - he had nothing with
him going into the house, he brought a Butcher's
Cleaver with him out of the house - there was a little
girl about 9 year's old in the house nursing a child
about 2 months old - the mother had gone out to look
for the father - the child was crying- I said to the
prisoner, Isaac leave it there - and he said
Damn your eyes if you say much I will split you with it - he
took the cleaver away - I saw him next morning
between 6 & 9 o`clock in Sir Charles Morgan's Park
there were hundreds and thousands of people there
with him - they were armed with pikes and Swords

[ in left margin vertical lines
-emphasis marks- lines 14-16.21-25]

[at foot Newport Reference Library embossed stamp]

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