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Special Commission}
held at Monmouth the}
10th Dec[embe]r & adjourned to}
the 31st Dec[embe]r 1839-}
The Queen
Benjamin Richards
For Conspiracy
& Riot
Brief for the Prosecution -
Indictment states That the Jurors of our
Sovereign Lady the Queen upon their oath present that
Benjamin Richards late of the parish of Saint Woollos
in the County of Monmouth Labourer heretofore to wit on the
first day of October in the year of our Lord 1839 and on divers
other days and times between that day and the taking this
Inquisition with force and arms to wit at Bedwas afsd (aforesaid)
in the County aforesaid did unlawfully and seditiously
conspire confederate and agree with divers other persons
whose names are to the Jurors unknown to raise and
make Insurrections riots routs and seditions and unlawful
assemblies within this Realm and obstruct the Laws and
government of this Realm and to oppose and prevent their
due execution and in furtherance of the said conspiracy
confederacy and agreement the said Benjamin Richards
during the time aforesaid to wit on the 1st day of November

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