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[top right hand margin:-] 82
Reg[in]a v[ersus] Isaac Tippins
George Lloyd Coal Brook Vale Labourer
at Mr. Brewers- says on Sunday the 3rd Nov[embe]r
Mr. Vennor sent me on an errand to Nantyglo
between 5 & 6 in the afternoon - I went with
a number of people armed who made me
go with them - they took me to Zephaniah
Williams's house where someone gave me a
stick - I did not know where we were going -
we went down towards Newbridge - about
1/2 a mile this side of Crumlin opposite a Beer
house kept by David Jones a Blacksmith-
I saw Isaac Tippins he said to me "Holloa
old boy where are you going" - I said "I do
not know exactly where I am going"- He
said "oh we are going to Newport & perhaps
to Monmouth & perhaps further - I lost sight
of him then & I have not seen him since -
I know him very well - He has made
Trowsers for me & I once lodged next door
but one to his Mother's house where he lived.

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Reg[ina] v[ersu]s Isaac Tipping

Depo[sition] of Geo[rge]

[centre bottom margin:-] 545 [written over a previous number / ?421]

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