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Page 1:
26 November 1839

1 /Blackwood __ [*]

2 / Geach / {

3 - / Geach / { dischd

4 Jno Williams Do - shoemaker- do { Willia_s / Sec -y to / [?] Ed[mu]nds' / Lodge

5 Jno Hemmi[n]gs / Geach/ do {

6 Jno Williams - do - {

7 Ab-m Lewis - / Geach / do -{

8 Wm- Williams - / Geach / Furman -Sedition { Israel Furmen - / Lewis Lewis /

9 Wm - Smith - do } J

sent for at /sent for in Blaina ... / [?] }

t [pencil annotation] Thos Jones Phillips /... /Lewis Lewis/.../

12 Jno Morgan Dischd Lewis - wounded /witnesses /do {Richd Lewis / Hannah Morgan /WmJones }

13 - /Furmen /Saunders &/ others /

14 Thos Morgan - [?](The nailer ) / [pencil annot-n] chairman at a meeting / do { Thomas Thomas /Joseph Lewis

15 David Edwards / Geach /- do
16 -/ Geach /

17 do {Israel Furmen

18 /does he work at Gelligros /- do - {

19 George Cooper / Geach /do

{24 James Rawlings /Jas Richards /Jas Cantello/ Jno Fraser/ do {Jas Richrds /Jas Cantello /Jno Fraser /

20 ? - disch:

21 { Lewis - do - } dischd Harris /John Pollock - / David Evans / dischd

{Jas ... do } discharged

- do { discharged / / [?]

24 - do

25 Edwd Davis - do

26 - Geach do

27 Job Harris - do

28 - / / Quarryman/ with Edwards,/Llewellyn /Davies/ Coles [?] do }

29 Saml Beacher - / Geach / do

30 [?] Gwyllim discharged [?]

31 committed / for High Treason /Wm Davis - Blackwood do { Israel Furmen /
- dischd
32 Tippings - do - dischd /Thomas Edwards - /John Llewellin /Aaron Smallcombe/ all committed for Burglary / ters/ / /Except Evans

[Line breaks and additions above the line are indicated by / / ]
[* Witness prosecuting]

Newport Public Reference Libraries

Page 2:
List of Prisoners


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