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Page 1:
Vol 24 [left margin]
Page 20 Document No 751 [top right]

Bedwellty House

24th Decr. 1839

Dear Sir

I have received your letter & in reply
you will have all the Witnesses that I know
will be doubtful at Newport on Thursday
those that were most doubtful are now
looked after As soon as John Morgan arrives
Mr Homan will put a proper person with him
who will not lose sight of him. The precautions
you have taken respecting the Witnesses has
been most prudent as the great aim of the
Chartists is now to intimidate & Meetings
secretly are nightly taking place & if
anyone comes among them to take a lead
there is no knowing what they will attempt.

[embossed stamp] Newport Public Reference Libraries

Page 2:
I have emissaries out in every direction
to endeavour to obtain information.
Merthyr appears to be the most disaffected

Believe me
Yours very truly

Saml Homfray

Page 3:

WTH Phelps Esqr



Bedwellty House 24

Saml Homfray.

Recd 25 do.


Red seal

7.51. [Bottom right of central crease]

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