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Barbara Thomas discusses her relationship with Father Paul Sartori by describing her initial meeting with Father Sartori and goes onto detail Fr. Sartori as a compassionate and attractive priest with unwavering faith, highlighting the privilege of knowing him.
Noting Fr. Paul’s active involvement in parish activities, including assistance to families and the organization of social events.
Reflecting on Fr. Paul’s ongoing support for her family, particularly during her husband's struggle with mental illness, extending even after her husband's passing.
Barbara's three-word description of Fr. Paul’s as having "Great faith."
Brief mention of Fr. Paul’s ambition to fund a hospice and his charitable efforts, such as helping Coney Island.
Sharing a touching memory of Fr. Paul’s leaving supportive notes for her family after her husband's death, expressing gratitude for his kindness.
Recounting a humorous anecdote about Fr. Paul’s offering his breakfast to anyone who could recite the Our Father prayer, highlighting his generous nature.

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