
Felin-Fach Creamery promotional brochure by Milk Marketing Board (MMB) inlcuding photogrpahs and infmoarion on operations and products. Page. 2 – Foreword ; P. 3 - The Creamery ; P. 4 – Transport ; P. 5 - Milk reception ; P. 6 - Processing ; P. 7- Cooling & Cleaning ; P. 8 – Despatch ; P. 9 - Control of Quality ; P. 10 -Cattle Breeding ; P. 11 - Cattle Bredding ; P. 12- Cattle Breeding ; P. 13 - Cattle Breeding ; P. 14 - Staffing ; back cover with poems 'Bwrdd Marchnata Llaeth, Felinfach' and 'Canolfan yr A.I', May 1952 by Phil.

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