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This document seeks to record the career in the Royal Navy of Mr Charles Pope of Cowbridge, Wales. Charles joined the Royal Navy in 1918. He served at sea during the final months of the great war, forged a career in the Engineering branch between wars and then served throughout world war two. He was shot and injured in one of the many operations he was involved in. Eventually rising to the rank of Chief Stoker, Charles survived the war, married and raised a family until he passed away in 1980. Photographs of Charles at sea, of the ships he served aboard and some historic images can be viewed in the Charles Pope collection on the West Wales Veterans Archive. This record of service has been formulated by consulting various open source material, original photographs in the possession of Charles' son Edward and his original Royal Navy service record dating back to 1918. Age Cymru Dyfed would like to acknowledge the following organizations and websites for publishing their own work and material, which helped enormously to document this brave Sailor's service to the United Kingdom: Imperial War Museum (on-line resources),, Wikipedia, Royal Museums Greenwich,,, BBC Veterans, naval,, wartime memories

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