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As part of the Valleys Re-told Project a group of Artists working at Dowlais Library enjoyed viewing and discussing photographs from the Collection at the National Museum of Wales. One of the artworks the group particularly liked was David Hurns' Monday Wash Day picture. It really did spark off many conversations, we talked about the competition of - who could get the whitest whites, scrubbing collars and cuffs, mangles, wash-boards, boiling kettles and Hoovers - the local twin tub and washing machine manufacturer. Everyone was able to share their experiences and as a result the enthusiasm developed into a number of works of art being produced on the theme. Here Artist Angela Lennon has created this small oil on stretched canvas directly in her garden from observation. With the fences to the chicken pens and the mounds of perennials bordering, your eye cannot fail to follow the flagstone, garden path to the gate and return back along the wash line to the only red top amongst a line of white clothes. As everyone knows One Red Top can lead to a disaster!

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