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Owen is grateful to his Mother for the Postal Order as he had no money at all and had had to borrow two francs that week. He has been in hospital since Wednesday, suffering from diarrhoea, but is feeling much better now. There is a good fire in the room day and night and the R. A. U. C had a concert in the next room the previous night. On Tuesday it was snowing and there was an inspection which entailed a two hour march. When they were nearly at their destination it was cancelled. Owen does not think he will get any pay while he is in hospital. There are thirteen people in his ward, 3 of whom are leaving the next day. Owen is on bread & milk. He wonders why Tom [his cousin] does not get his parcels, as Owen's letters and parcels always follow him when he moves. In a postscript to this letter he writes
'I had to go in front of the Captain last week, over a letter which I wrote to Mary last week I had put in the date we had come here, and so on. Ha Ha so you can see it is not easy to write a letter He torned[sic] it up'
He ends by telling Lizzie that the Christmas lunch was tough beef and jacket potatoes.

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