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Ernest Henry Balsom was born to Richard Henry Balsom and his wife Elizabeth in the Parish of Porth, Glamorgan, and later moved to Corbett Crescent, Caerphilly. He was 21 years old when he joined up on 5 September 1914. His physical description as described in his attestation papers was that he was 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighed 118lbs and had a 34-inch chest. He had a fresh complexion and gave his religious denomination as a Baptist where he was a member of the Mount Carmel congregation on Pontygwindy Road. He joined the 9th Battalion of the Welsh Regiment and was posted to the BEF on 3 September 1915. After serving in France he was sent to Salonika on 1 November 1915. He was promoted to Corporal in August 1916, and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in October 1916. The Caerphilly Journal reported on 9 November 1916: "We congratulate Corpl. Ernest Balsom on his success in the recent examinations at Bristol when he passed the necessary tests and was granted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant attached to the Welsh Regiment. Prior to joining the colours he was employed on the clerical staff of Messrs. J. Smith and Co., coal exporters, Cardiff, and was a teacher of shorthand at the Glamorgan County Council evening continuation classes. For a period he was also the representative of the "Caerphilly Journal." Lieut. Balsom enlisted in the 13th Welsh (Cardiff Pals) on September 4th, 1914, He was invalided home with malaria fever from Salonika. On recovery he was attached to the 12th Battalion Welsh Regiment and was sent to Officers Cadet Battalion, Bristol." A further report in June 1918 recorded that: "We are pleased to record that Second Lieutenant E.H. Balsom has been promoted to First Lieutenancy. He was gazetted in October 1916, and has been on active service in France ever since and is now in England on a six month rest. He was for some time our correspondent at Caerphilly, and was active and popular in many phases of public life in the town. We offer our heartiest congratulations." However, Lieutenant Balsom was killed in action at Morval on Friday 30th August. The official history of the Welch Regiment 1914-1918 records: "30th August- The next morning, at 5 a.m. the 13th and 14th Welch attempted to seize Morval without artillery support, but were only able to make a small advance, and suffered heavy casualties, the 13th Welch losing their gallant Adjutant, Captain C. J. Boulton, M.C., killed. It was evident that the village could only be taken after a bombardment and with artillery support. The 13th Welch were late at the assembly as orders were only given to at the last moment, and the 14th Welch consequently advanced unsupported and found the enemy in strength with machine guns wired in. By that evening, the 14th Welch had only four officers left." A written letter from Major J. Daniels broke the sad news to the Balsom family. It was printed in the Caerphilly Journal on 12 September 1918. 'Dear Mr. Balsom- I very much regret to have to inform you that your son was killed in action yesterday morning. He was a very fine fellow and had done most useful work in the present fighting. And I can assure you, that you have the sincere sympathy of the whole Battalion from the Colonel down. On the 3rd inst., the following letter was received from Lieut.-Col. E.F.Brooks: 'Dear Mr. Balsom. Please accept my sincere sympathy on the great loss you have sustained on the death of your son. He was killed while leading his company in an attack on the 30th August. He died in a most gallant and efficient manner. His death is a great loss to the Battalion as he was a popular and efficient officer.' Lieutenant E.H. Balsom is buried in Morval British Cemetery in Plot B, Row 25. He was 26 years of age.

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