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Y Drych August 22, 1889
PITTSBURG[H], PA., August 17.—The condition of the iron industry presently is fairly satisfying—the majority of the mills are working full time with orders in hand to keep them going for a season. The only complaint is that the prices are low—a situation that owners are accustomed to. The Homestead mills are, though encountering the disagreement at the beginning of July, are very regular.
Two thousand colliers in the Connellsville area and along the Monongahela were staying out because their wages were cut. In the end, the owners wisely agreed to their request, and the workers are happy. The glass factories have reopened after enjoying their summer break.
There has been quite a bit of illness in the city this summer—many have suffered from typhoid and scarlet fever which was caused, according to the doctors, by the impurity of the water. Four of our Welsh ministers have been under the weather lately. the Rev. D. M. George has been especially ill for weeks, but he feels a little better these days. Dr. Thomas has also improved greatly, and the two other pastors are by now enjoying their usual health.
The wise men who spoke so much about the licensing law are ready to confess by now that the law was not as successful as they thought it would be. It is true that it gives authority to judges of the courts to lessen the number of taverns, and the majority of the judges did that. There was a lessening of those places especially in this county. But at the sitting of the court in the spring, it was accounted that this county now has not less than three hundred of places where liquor is sold illegally in places called speak easies.
It is whispered that some of the sinners of Wood's Run are at the barbaric task of blacking the eyes of the "half best." Their civilized neighbors ought to celebrate the situation by retaliating. Enough, it is thought that men of that kind would be too cautions to do anything of the sort.
Fairly gloomy are religion matters during the hot weather here. It appears that some religious people do not agree with attending services at all. Because of that, and especially to give an opportunity for the weary pastors to have their summer break, the churches are closing completely. But then, who ever heard of Satan being weary or asking to close the doors of his castles in order to wander by the sea side? No one, certainly. Nothing is heard about a vacation for the poor worker who works hard all day and who stands in front of a firey furnace sweating out his short life, or who labors hard in the dangerous belly of the earth. No, never anything of that sort. Is it not strange to see empty seats in our churches while the temples of Satan are filled to the doors.
On the morning of Sunday, August 4th, Susanah [sic], dear wife of Mr. Wm. J. Rees of Lawn Street, Soho died of congestion of the lungs. She had languished for only a fortnight, and nobody thought that her condition was as dangerous as it was until a day or two before her death. She was buried on the following Tuesday at Homeward Cemetery where a large gathering of friends gathered to accompany here to her eternal home. Serving on the occasion were the Reverends H. E. Thomas, D. D. and D. Rhoslyn Davies. The departed was born in Cwmbwria, near Abertawe, South Wales on February 14, 1849. She was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Rees. Her mother died when she was only eleven years old, and three years later her father was buried. She cast her lot with the people of the Lord when she was 14 years old at Siloam [Chapel] in Pentre Castell, and she remained faithful until the end. She was a member of the Fifth Avenue Congregational Church since she arrived in this city, and her leaving has left a irreparable hole amongst the ranks of the faithful there. She was joined in holy matrimony with Mr. Rees in 1870 in Abertawe, and they came to this country in 1883, settling in this city. May the patronage of heaven be of help to her grieving husband in his bitter tribulation.
Mr. John Walters (Ap Gwaliter) of South Side is having bad trouble with his leg. He had an accident while working in the mill last January and his knee was broken. He was taken to the hospital where the bone was set by a clumsy doctor. Before it was completely healed, it had to be reset.
We saw the noted old Welshwoman, Mrs. L. Lewis of Stewart Station, in town the other day making preparations for playing a visit to the land of her birth which she had left thirty years ago. Mrs. Lewis is a close relation to the Ellis family of Dinorwig and she resided in that neighborhood where she will spend most of her time while on the other side of the Atlantic.
Prof. Prichard has returned from his trip to some eastern cities. Mr. John Lloyd and his wife of Johnstown spent last Sabbath in this city. Mr. David J. Evans and his wife have gone on an excursion to the east. Mrs. John Davies of Brynyfaner spent some time with relations in Galipolis [sic], Ohio. Mrs. Daniel Lewis, wife of the Bard Ffrwdwyllt is visiting Ironton and Jackson, Ohio. Mrs. Morgan Evans of Second Avenue is with relations and friends in Ebensburg on top of the mountain. Mrs. Wm. Davies of Minersville has returned safely from her trip to the Old Country. Mrs. Griffith Davies and Mrs. Wm. Edwards of Soho have left for the same place a fortnight ago. Mr. Thos. W. Morgan of Mansfield spent this summer in the place of his birth in Glamorgan [Wales]. Several of the Welsh youth of Soho recently visited Cheet River, West Virginia, and I understand that they enjoyed themselves greatly. Mr. Wm. J. Jones has been chosen as organist by the South Side Presbyterian Church. We understand that he will be starting his task sometime next month.—ANON.
Translated by Martha A. Davies Lincoln, Nebraska March 2009

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