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My late father Ronal Evans had this photograph I do not have any other information .

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Comments (2)

Hugh Evans's profile picture
Rear of Sunnyvale Camp Rhyl 1940.One of my late fathers photographs.I think he was on the front row (Ronald Evans).The others in the photograph are not known to myself.My father served with the Royal Artillery in Fance during WW2 (Dunkirk).He made friends with The Pator family in Dunkirk whilst he was stationed in France
Hugh Evans's profile picture
One of my late fathers army photographs he was on the front row (Ronald Evans).I do not know the others in the photograph.My father served in The Royal Artillery in France in WW2 and he made friends with a French family called the Pators.After the war he was a teacher in The Flint Secondary Modern School.In 1959 he was appointed headmaster of The Granville Seconday Modern School in Woodville Burton upon Trent.He retired in 1980.Father died in 1998.

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