
This A4W pilot project was part funded by the Alzheimers Society to encourage people with alzheimers to come along and try something new. A4W ran a five week project for carers, befrienders and the cared for, to widen their social networks, build new friendships, develop new skills and gain a sense of achievement. Supporting carers and cared for to relax, enjoy exploring their creativity and to have fun, time out to support their health and emotional wellbeing in an intergenerational group.
A4W support University students to gain work experience and provided a placement for a Trinity St Davids third year student, studying Creativity and Social Inclusion, to work on this project.

One of the participants wrote this poem 10/10 which she read to the group on the last session.

10 out of 10

Christmas Jolly in the gloom.
Welcome, welcome, Always Room;
Come right in
Early or late,
This is a very welcome date!

Leave bags of worry at the door
Come and join in
- it won’t be a chore!
Tea and Coffee are on tap
Relax – Relax – hands in lap.
….No need to hurry
Plenty of time
No need to dash
No clock to chime

Drop in - Drop out of noise and worry
And shout of war and hurry and flurry
Here there is Joy and Peace and Love
And – hey look! I’ve painted a dove.
A gift to us all
As outside the Rain
Continues to fall….

Here inside a gentle hum of
Joy, creativity and Fun
And the power of love and light
….makes us all smile
….and just for Now.
Know what?
Life is Alright!

Dec. 2015 Lesley Pitchford

With grateful thanks to Kate Nadoo; Sara and Mike and all the team who made such a jolly time possible. Thank you for providing a Port in a storm. Bless you all. Amen!

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