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Account of the inquest into the tragic death of three boys who were killed in two explosions on Baglan Moors, whilst playing with live ammunition on the target range. A practice ムbombing' range was set up at the Baglan end of the moor and on one day, in June, 1945, two separate groups of boys found unexploded bombs in the area. In the two separate incidents three were killed when they hit the bombs on stones. On another occasion a man (probably a soldier) was injured when he set off a mine in the minefield, Mrs Margaret Clothier, a member of the St John's Ambulance Brigade, went to his aid, and when praised for her bravery she is reputed to have said, モWell I couldn't just leave him thereヤ. Unfortunately, because of wartime restrictions, this incident was not reported in the press but Mrs Clothier was later presented with a gold watch by staff at Aberavon Hospital. In one air raid on Port Talbot two houses in Corporation Road were destroyed and five people killed (one of whom was an evacuee).

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