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Witness depositions

2 [At top centre of page, though 5 is at the bottom] Barr h is now a Pris. r for desertion Bar was with me and heard the conversation - he asked us to go to a public and said that he would be with us in a few minutes he took us to the Door - the public house is The Wheel - it is on the Road going out of the Town - we went in Barr with me - we had 2 pints of Beer The Pris r . did not come in he came with me to the Door and left us. The Pris. r told me his name when I met him the 2nd time he told me his name was Morgan or some such name - we was coming out and met him at the Door - me and my comrade had made up our minds to desert when we met him and told him we had made up our minds to desert. Before we came to the Wheel we went to the Spirit Shop we had been at before. I asked the woman at the Spirit Shop if she could direct us to the house of the man we met there 2 nights before. She told us she did not know exactly where this house was but to go down
5 [Page number bottom centre]

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