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An article, with photograph, promoting the third Bosses Walk in South Wales in aid of the Welsh Sports Aid Foundation.


Bosses to walk for charity

THE boss is on the march again - on a 10-mile Sunday walk to help young sportsmen and women in Wales.

The third Bosses Walk in South Wales is now being planned in a bid to raise at least £40,000 - and to take a few inches off those sagging boardroom bellies!

Bosses, directors, managers, department heads, supervisors - in fact, anyone who’s in charge of anything – are wanted to join the walk which has become one of THE social occasions to be seen at in the region.

This year's walk in aid of the Welsh Sports Aid Foundation leaves the pavements behind and will take a more rural route through green fields and along river pathways.

The march includes free refreshments - and three laps of the National Stadium.

The event is being organised by the Bosses Walk Committee led by chairman Mr Emrys Evans. They are keen to see as many team entries as possible this year, from companies and organisations all over the area.


Among those already signed up to walk on Sunday, October 5, is the governor of the Sports Aid Foundation, former Olympic gold medallist Lynn Davies.

And he will be bringing along some of his sporting friends who will keep the bosses on their toes, including personalities from the Olympic and Commonwealth Games.

The foundation's aim is to ensure that the Welsh team for the Commonwealth Games in Auckland in 1990 and other international events are well-prepared.

Enrolment for the walk, which starts at 10am from the National Sports Centre in Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, is free and open to all individual bosses and company teams.

Committee member Mr Bryn Cross, manager for Wales for the Imperial Life Group, and his wife, Margaret, are already in training for the event, pounding the pavements around their home in Cyncoed.

Entry forms are available from Mr Cadfan Davies, secretary of the Bosses Walk Committee, National Sports Centre for Wales, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff.

From Microform, Local Studies, Cardiff Library.
Image created by The British Library Board.
Copyright: Media Wales.

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