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The 3rd Cardiff Wolf Cubs' Logbook from the year 1933 leading up to the Second World War. The detailed accounts include a mixture of photographs, drawings and accounts of their activities at areas they travelled to.

The Boy Scouts Association was formed in 1910 and by 1912 was incorporated throughout the British Empire for “the purpose of instructing boys of all classes in the principles of discipline, loyalty and good citizenship”.
During World War 2 over 50,000 Scouts trained under the National War Service Scheme. Their tasks included acting as police messengers and stretcher-bearers. In January 1941, the Air Scout branch was launched allowing Troops to specialise in activities related to aircraft.
Nowadays (2017) the association is headed by the Chief Scout, currently Bear Grylls, supported by Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt and Chief Executive Matt Hyde. The association's president is the Duke of Kent Prince Edward and Queen Elizabeth II is a patron.

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