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Situated approximately 23 miles North of Cardiff, lies the town of Merthyr Tydfil. Located in its own borough, it was once the largest town in Wales, and with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, the population of Merthyr would be working in some of the most dangerous and toughest jobs ever conceived. Some 380 miles away in Lanarkshire Scotland, a man would be born who would later take these people to his heart, and fight for their rights to live and work safely, and in peace - that man was James Kier Hardie. A former Pit boy himself, Hardie would rise to become MP for Merthyr and Aberdare, and take the plight of the working man all the way to Parliament. However, it was the outbreak of WWI that would see all of his hopes for peace dashed, and it would even cost him his life.
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