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Joao Morgan Junior certifies that Susannah Phillips, wife of Thomas Phillips, is subject to the British queen


N. 116

I Joao Morgan Junior, Consul of Her British Majesty in this Province - Certify that Thomas Phillips his Wife Susannah Phillips is subject of Her British Majesty

In faith of that I passed the present, that I signed, and sealed with the seal of this Consulate,
Rio Grande do Sul, at 5 of September of 1851

[signature]John Morgan Jr.
H.B. R. Consul
Signature of the bearer,
[signature]Thomas B Phillips


N. 116

Eu Joao Morgan Junior, Consul de Sua Magestade Britannica nesta Provincia -
Certifico que Thomas Phillips sua Mulher Susannah Phillips e' subdito de Sua Magestade Britannica Em fe' do que fiz passar o presente, que assignei, e sellei com o sello deste Consulado.

Rio Grande do Sul, a 5 de Setembro de 1851

[signature]John Morgan Jr.
H.B. R. Consul
Assignatura do portador,

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