
Picture: 1
Canal, Aldercarr. Birds

Alder reflections, Whitchurch. 15/03/72
Marys species name: Alder
Scientific name: Alnus glutinosa
Common name: Alder

Date: 15/03/1972

Picture: 2
Canal, Aldercarr. Birds

Alder by Whitchurch canal cones and catkins in December 1982
Marys species name: Alder
Scientific name: Alnus glutinosa
Common name: Alder

Date: December 1982

Picture: 3
Canal. Aquatic fauna. Dragonflies

Pond sponge, Spongilla lacustris green with algae. Whitchurch canal 17/07/69
Marys species name: Spongilla lacustris
Scientific name: Spongilla lacustris

Date: 17/07/1969

Picture: 4
Radyr Weir

Tree bulging over old wires. Radyr weir 1990

Date: 1990

Picture: 5
Canal Water Plants

Spongilla lacustris. Pond sponge, green with algae. Lower end of Whitchurch Canal. 17.7.69
Marys species name: Spongilla lacustris
Scientific name: Spongilla lacustris
Common name: None given

Date: 17/07/1969

Picture: 6
Canal Water Plants

Lysimachia vulgaris. Whitchurch Canal. 9.8.65
Marys species name: Lysimachia vulgaris
Scientific name: Lysimachia vulgaris
Common name: Yellow loosestrife

Date: 09/08/1965

Picture: 7
Canal Water Plants

Lemon yellow Scrophularia aquatica. Whitchurch Canal. 21.6.66. Missing after 1967 till c. 1980
Marys species name: Scrophularia aquatica
Scientific name: Scrophularia auriculata
Common name: Water figwort

Date: 21/06/1966

Picture: 8
Canal Water Plants

Shasta daisy persists by canal. July 1978
Marys species name: Shasta daisy
Scientific name: Leucanthemum lacustre x maximum
Common name: Shasta daisy

Date: July 1978

Picture: 9
Canal Water Plants

Duplicate. Meadowsweet Whitchurch Canal
Marys species name: Meadowsweet
Scientific name: Filipendula ulmaria
Common name: Meadowsweet

Picture: 10
Plant Emergents

Alisma plantago-aquatica Stachys palustris. Whitchurch canal. July 1978
Marys species name: Alisma plantago-aquatica
Scientific name: Alisma plantago-aquatica
Common name: Water-plantain

Date: July 1978

Picture: 11
Plant Emergents

Polygonum nodosum. Whitchurch canal by railway bridge. October 1965
Marys species name: Polygonum nodosum
Scientific name: Persicaria lapathifolia
Common name: Pale Persicaria

Date: October 1965

Picture: 12
Canal. Views of lock

Gipsywort on floating log. Whitchurch Canal 1992
Marys species name: Gipsywort
Scientific name: Lycopus europaeus
Common name: Gypsywort

Date: 1992

Picture: 13
Arrowhead 1965

Sagittaria sagittifolia. Whitchurch Canal. Alisma. Dusk! 9.8.65
Marys species name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 09/08/1965

Picture: 14
Arrowhead 1965

Sagittaria sagittifolia, 2 leaf types. 2 foot deep hole. Whitchurch Canal. August 2005
Marys species name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: August 2005

Picture: 15
Arrowhead 1965

Arrowhead range of leaf types including translucent brown not in books. Whitchurch Canal, Cardiff. August 1965
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 01/08/1965

Picture: 16
Arrowhead 1965

Arrowhead. Leaf shape and texture. Whitchurch Canal 1965
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 1965

Picture: 17
Arrowhead 1965

Arrowhead complete plant. Rhizomes. Whitchurch Canal August 1965
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 01/08/1965

Picture: 18
Arrowhead 1965

Sagittaria. Turions germinating. Stalk length varies with depth of burial. Whitchurch Canal. 1965
Marys species name: Sagittaria
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 1965

Picture: 19
Land, Marsh Plants

Allium vineale v. vineale. Large bulbils & flowers. A. v. v. compactum. A b. small bulbils. No flowers. Whitchurch Canal. 74
Marys species name: Allium vineale v. vineale/A. v. v. compactum
Scientific name: Allium vineale
Common name: Crow garlic

Date: 1974

Picture: 20
Pilgrim's Bridge below Lluest Wen, above Castell Nos. On Rhondda Fach. Old Hill road from Strata Florida to St. Mary's Well at Pen Rhys near Llyn y Pia. Above Maerdy

Typha latifolia, male and female inflorescence. Forest Farm pond. July 1990
Marys species name: Typha latifolia
Scientific name: Typha latifolia
Common name: Bulrush

Date: July 1990

Picture: 21
Stream from Monknash Upper-Broughton

Duplicate. Rosa canina. Whitchurch canal
Marys species name: Rosa canina
Scientific name: Rosa canina agg
Common name: Dogrose

Picture: 22
Water Plants

Stachys palustris. Whitchurch canal. 09/08/1965
Marys species name: Stachys palustris
Scientific name: Stachys palustris
Common name: Marsh Woundwort

Date: 09/08/1965

Picture: 23
Canal, Forest Lock, Fishing

Cherry laurel fruits. Whitchurch Canal. August 1984.
Marys species name: Cherry Laurel
Scientific name: Prunus laurocerasus
Common name: Cherry Laurel

Date: August 1984

Picture: 24
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Old beeches and ivy. Long Wood Reserve. 1st March 1972.
Marys species name: Beech
Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica
Common name: Beech

Date: 01/03/1972

Picture: 25
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Pussy willow. Whitchurch Canal. March 1972.
Marys species name: Pussy willow
Scientific name: Salix

Date: March 1972

Picture: 26
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Hailstorm in Long Wood. Whitchurch. 1st March 1972.

Date: March 1972

Picture: 27
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Long wood reserve. North sea gas pipe course. 1st March 1972

Date: March 1972

Picture: 28
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Hail against trees of the Long Wood. Tongwynlais March 1972

Date: March 1972

Picture: 29
Long Wood on Glacial Gravel Scarp East, of Taff

Snowdrops and 1858 bridge South end. Whitchurch Reserve. 01/03/1972
Marys species name: Snowdrop
Scientific name: Galanthus nivalis
Common name: Snowdrop

Date: 01/03/1972

Picture: 30
Forest Farm. Flowers and co

Shasta daisy. Whitchurch canal Late August 1984
Marys species name: Shasta daisy
Scientific name: Leucanthemum lacustre x maximum = L. x superbum
Common name: Shasta Daisy

Date: August 1984

Picture: 31
Crow Garlic

Allium vineale v. compactum (left) A.v.v. vineale. Fewer larger bulbils and some flowers. Both. Whitchurch canal Scoutfield. July 1974.
Scientific name: Allium vineale
Common name: Wild Onion

Date: July 1974

Picture: 32

Arrowhead flowers, Whitchurch, Glamorgan Canal, 09/08/65
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 09/08/1965

Picture: 33

Dry arrowhead, only 2 green leaves. Forest Lock, canal, August 1984
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: August 1984

Picture: 34

Arrowhead. 3 leaf types from normal plant. Small floating plant with only adult leaves. Whitchurch, 1965
Marys species name: Arrowhead
Scientific name: Sagittaria sagittifolia
Common name: Arrowhead

Date: 1965

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