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Picture: 1

Bee Orchid, Ribwort, Lotus. Aberthaw 1969
Marys species name: Bee Orchids
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: 1969

Picture: 2
Roose Point. Stable grassland. Roose new cement quarry

Lithospermum purporeocaeruleum. East Aberthaw limestone cliff base, 09/05/64
Marys species name: Lithospermum purporeocaeruleum
Scientific name: Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum
Common name: Purple Gromwell

Date: 09/04/1964

Picture: 3
St Mary's Well Bay

Geranium columbinum, Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Geranium columbinum
Scientific name: Geranium columbinum
Common name: Long-stalked Crane's-bill

Date: 1983

Picture: 4
Rhoose Quarry

Spergularia media (marginata). Thaw-Kenson confluence, Aberthaw 1978
Marys species name: Spergularia media
Scientific name: Spergularia media
Common name: Greater Sea-spurrey

Date: 1978

Picture: 5
Rhoose Quarry

Agropyron pungens leys, Aberthaw 15/08/72
Marys species name: Agropyron pungens
Scientific name: Elytrigia atherica
Common name: Sea Couch

Date: 15/08/1972

Picture: 6
Rhoose Quarry

Chenopodium rubrum leys, Aberthaw, 1972
Marys species name: Chenopodium rubrum
Scientific name: Chenopodium rubrum
Common name: Red Goosefoot

Date: 1972

Picture: 7
Rhoose Quarry

Blackstonia perfoliata, Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Blackstonia perfoliata
Scientific name: Blackstonia perfoliata
Common name: Yellow-wort

Date: 1983

Picture: 8
Rhoose Quarry

Sea blite coming through pebbles. Aberthaw outer beach 1978
Marys species name: Sea blite
Scientific name: Suaeda

Date: 1978

Picture: 9
Rhoose Quarry

Saltmarsh species grow up through overgrown pebbles. Aberthaw outer beach. Sueda, Plantago maritima, Halimone, July 1978
Marys species name: Plantago maritima
Scientific name: Plantago maritima
Common name: Sea Plantain

Date: July 1978

Picture: 10
Rhoose Quarry

Summer tips of drowned Halimine, Aberthaw, July 1978
Marys species name: Halimine
Scientific name: Atriplex

Date: July 1978

Picture: 11
Rhoose Quarry

Arum. Yellow spadices, Aberthaw 1st April 1990
Marys species name: Arum
Scientific name: Arum maculatum
Common name: Lords-and-Ladies

Date: 01/04/1990

Picture: 12
Rhoose Quarry

Thyme, Lady's bedstraw, ribwort, hawkbit. Fossil dune on inner beach, Aberthaw. 14/07/78
Marys species name: Lady's Bedstraw
Scientific name: Galium verum
Common name: Lady's Bedstraw

Date: 14/07/1978

Picture: 13
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Solanum flowers and fruits. Aberthaw inner storm beach. July 1975
Marys species name: Solanum
Scientific name: Solanum

Date: July 1975

Picture: 14
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Galium aperine Aberthaw, outer storm beach July 1978
Marys species name: Galium aperine
Scientific name: Galium aparine
Common name: Cleavers

Date: July 1978

Picture: 15
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Senecio squalidus, crithmum geranium, Aberthaw Beach, outer storm beach. 24th July 1978
Marys species name: Senecio squalidus
Scientific name: Senecio squalidus
Common name: Oxford Ragwort

Date: 24/07/1978

Picture: 16
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Matricaria maritima. Aberthaw outer storm beach 78
Marys species name: Matricaria maritima
Scientific name: Tripleurospermum maritimum
Common name: Sea Mayweed

Date: 1978

Picture: 17
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Spergurra, wave swept on soil deposits. Aberthaw July 1978
Marys species name: Spergurra

Date: July 1978

Picture: 18
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Atriplex hastata, Aberthaw outer storm beach July 1978
Marys species name: Atriplex hastata
Scientific name: Atriplex prostrata
Common name: Spear-leaved Orache

Date: July 1978

Picture: 19
Aberthaw lecture given at Barry, Oct 1990. 195 slides. No W. Aberthaw, Fontygary or up river.

Euphorbia esula. Aberthaw. Euphorbia x pseudovingata. Twiggy spurge not leafy spurge
Marys species name: Euphorbia x pseudovingata
Scientific name: Euphorbia esula agg

Date: 1983

Picture: 20
Old Raised Beach

Mouse ear, hawkweed, eyebright, T dubium. Aberthaw
Marys species name: Mouse ear
Scientific name: Cerastium

Picture: 21
Old Raised Beach

Halimione in Aberthaw Beach. March 1978
Marys species name: Halimione
Scientific name: Atriplex

Date: March 1978

Picture: 22
Old Raised Beach

Raphanus maritimus. Lomenta Aberthaw Cliff. June 1971
Marys species name: Raphanus maritimus
Scientific name: Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus
Common name: Sea Radish

Date: 1971

Picture: 23
Old Raised Beach

Brassica nigra. Aberthaw Beach 1971
Marys species name: Brassica nigra
Scientific name: Brassica nigra
Common name: Black Mustard

Date: 1971

Picture: 24
Old Raised Beach

Drowned Halimione on E Aberthaw saltmarsh March 1978
Marys species name: Halimione
Scientific name: Atriplex

Date: March 1978

Picture: 25
Old Raised Beach

Globe thistle, Echinops ritro. Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Globe thistle
Scientific name: Echinops sphaerocephalus
Common name: Glandular Globe-thistle

Date: 1983

Picture: 26
Old Raised Beach

Leucantherum vulgare
Marys species name: Leucanthemum vulgare
Scientific name: Leucanthemum vulgare
Common name: Oxeye Daisy

Date: 1983

Picture: 27
Old Raised Beach

Agrimonia eupatoria. Aberthaw July 1978
Marys species name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Scientific name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Common name: Agrimony

Date: July 1978

Picture: 28
Old Raised Beach

Agrimony fruits W Aberthaw October 1986
Marys species name: Agrimony
Scientific name: Agrimonia eupatoria
Common name: Agrimony

Date: October 1986

Picture: 29
Old Raised Beach

Ranunculus scleratus. Aberthaw lagoon 1983
Marys species name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Scientific name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Common name: Celery-leaved Buttercup

Date: 1983

Picture: 30
Old Raised Beach

Samolus, South of Aberthaw lagoon 26.06.79
Marys species name: Samolus
Scientific name: Samolus valerandi
Common name: Brookweed

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 31
Old Raised Beach

Smyrnium olustratum, Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Smyrnium olusatrum
Scientific name: Smyrnium olusatrum
Common name: Alexanders

Date: 1983

Picture: 32
Old Raised Beach

Inula conyza. Aberthaw lagoon 1979
Marys species name: Inula conyza
Scientific name: Inula conyzae
Common name: Ploughman's-spikenard

Date: 1979

Picture: 33
Old Raised Beach

Cirsium tenuflorum, Aberthaw orchid site 1983
Marys species name: Cirsium tenuiflorum
Scientific name: Carduus tenuiflorus
Common name: Slender Thistle

Date: 1983

Picture: 34
Old Raised Beach

Ulex europaeus Aberthaw March 1978
Marys species name: Ulex europaeus
Scientific name: Ulex europaeus
Common name: Gorse

Date: March 1978

Picture: 35
Old Raised Beach

Veronica, Aberthaw lagoon 1979
Marys species name: Veronica
Scientific name: Veronica

Date: 1979

Picture: 36
Old Raised Beach

Carex extensa. Plantago maritima. Aberthaw 1972
Marys species name: Carex extensa
Scientific name: Carex extensa
Common name: Long-bracted Sedge

Date: 1972

Picture: 37
Old Raised Beach

Rosa carina. Aberthaw July 1983
Marys species name: Rosa canina
Scientific name: Rosa canina agg
Common name: Dogrose

Date: July 1983

Picture: 38

Ranunculus scleratus, Aberthaw lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Scientific name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Common name: Celery-leaved Buttercup

Date: 1979

Picture: 39

Rumex crispus, V trigranniatus, Crithmum, Aberthaw storm beach, 24/07/1978
Marys species name: Rumex crispus
Scientific name: Rumex crispus
Common name: Curled Dock

Date: 24/07/1978

Picture: 40

Artemisia maritima, Limonium binervosum, Aberthaw 1978
Marys species name: Artemisia maritima
Scientific name: Seriphidium maritimum
Common name: Sea Wormwood

Date: 1978

Picture: 41

Rosa canina. Aberthaw, by lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Rosa canina
Scientific name: Rosa canina agg
Common name: Dogrose

Date: 1979

Picture: 42

Sambucus nigra, Aberthaw July 1983
Marys species name: Sambucus nigra
Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Elder

Date: July 1983

Picture: 43

Anthyllis vulneraria, Aberthaw sea wall, 1983
Marys species name: Anthyllis vulneraria
Scientific name: Anthyllis vulneraria
Common name: Kidney Vetch

Date: 1983

Picture: 44
Drowned veg at springs

Sea wormwood and sea plantain, West Aberthaw 1978
Marys species name: Sea wormwood
Scientific name: Seriphidium maritimum
Common name: Sea wormwood

Date: 1978

Picture: 45
Drowned veg at springs

Suaeda, Aberthaw pebbles, 30/09/78
Marys species name: Suaeda
Scientific name: Suaeda

Date: 30/09/1978

Picture: 46
Drowned veg at springs

Cochlearia anglica, 1st buds. Aberthaw marsh. March 1978
Marys species name: Cochlearia anglica
Scientific name: Cochlearia anglica
Common name: English Scurvygrass

Date: March 1978

Picture: 47
Drowned veg at springs

Clematis vitalba over pebbles, Aberthaw, July 1978
Marys species name: Clematis vitalba
Scientific name: Clematis vitalba
Common name: Traveller's-joy

Date: July 1978

Picture: 48
Drowned veg at springs

Halimione outside storm beach, Aberthaw soil, July 1978
Marys species name: Halimione
Scientific name: Atriplex

Date: July 1978

Picture: 49
Drowned veg at springs

Spergularia media, big pale flower. Spergularia salina, small, pink. Flat at Thaw-Kenson join, October 1978
Marys species name: Spergularia media
Scientific name: Spergularia media
Common name: Greater Sea-spurrey

Date: October 1978

Picture: 50
Drowned veg at springs

Aberthaw coltsfoot and algal scum by upper lagoon, March 1978
Marys species name: Coltsfoot
Scientific name: Tussilago farfara
Common name: Colt's-foot

Date: March 1978

Picture: 51
Aberthaw cement works, Orchid, Arum, Tamus

Ophrys apifera. Dead leaf tip, Aberhtaw 1983
Marys species name: Ophrys apifera
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee orchid

Date: 1983

Picture: 52
Aberthaw cement works, Orchid, Arum, Tamus

Tamus communis, young fruits. Aberthaw, 1983
Marys species name: Tamus communis
Scientific name: Tamus communis
Common name: Black Bryony

Date: 1983

Picture: 53
Aberthaw. Fossil dune on inner beach

Cakile maritima, mauve. Leys Beach, Aberthaw, 1972
Marys species name: Cakile maritima
Scientific name: Cakile maritima
Common name: Sea Rocket

Date: 1972

Picture: 54
West Aberthaw, High Spring tides. October 1984. Flowers

Guelder Rose, West Aberthaw, October 1984
Marys species name: Guelder rose
Scientific name: Viburnum opulus
Common name: Guelder-rose

Date: October 1984

Picture: 55
United Thaw/Kenson below cement works, Aberthaw

Limonium vulgare, Peccin ellia, West Aberthaw, September 1978
Marys species name: Limonium vulgare
Scientific name: Limonium vulgare
Common name: Common Sea-lavender

Date: September 1974

Picture: 56

Dwarf red salicornia 1 1/4 miles from seas, Aberthaw, October 1978
Marys species name: Red salicornia
Scientific name: Salicornia

Date: October 1978

Picture: 57
South Quarry Pool

Dorothy Perkins rose, Aberthaw scrub, 1983
Marys species name: Dorothy Perkins rose

Date: 1983

Picture: 58
South Quarry Pool

Blackstonia perfoliata, Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Blackstonia perfoliata
Scientific name: Blackstonia perfoliata
Common name: Yellow-wort

Date: 1983

Picture: 59
South Quarry Pool

Sambucus nigra, Aberthaw July 1983
Marys species name: Sambucus nigra
Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Elder

Date: 1983

Picture: 60
Aberthaw Lime Kiln

Elder by Aberthaw lime kiln, July 1983
Marys species name: Elder
Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Elder

Date: July 1983

Picture: 61

Maidenhair fern in July 1978, (14th). Aberthaw cliff
Marys species name: Maidenhair fern
Scientific name: Adiantum capillus-veneris
Common name: Maidenhair fern

Date: 14/07/1978

Picture: 62

Ophrys apifera clump. Aberthaw. 26 June 1979
Marys species name: Ophrys apifera
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee orchid

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 63

Euphorbia pseudo-virgata, Aberthaw old quarry, July 1979. Twiggy spurge not leafy spurge, parallel sided, repeated leaves
Marys species name: Euphorbia pseudo-virgata
Scientific name: Euphorbia esula x waldsteinii = E. x pseudovirgata
Common name: Twiggy Spurge

Date: July 1979

Picture: 64

Ungrazed Artemisia maritima, Fest rubra. Aberthaw 1978 (Now Seriphidium)
Marys species name: Artemisia maritima
Scientific name: Seriphidium maritimum
Common name: Sea wormwood

Date: 1978

Picture: 65

Eryngium, very rare sand relic, Aberthaw outer bank, July 1978
Marys species name: Eryngium
Scientific name: Eryngium species
Common name: Sea holly

Date: July 1978

Picture: 66

Rock sea lavender in July inside outer bank, Aberthaw, 1978
Marys species name: Rock sea lavender
Scientific name: Limonium binervosum
Common name: Rock sea lavender

Date: 1978

Picture: 67

Thymus drucei, Aberthaw. Back of current storm 6th July 1978
Marys species name: Thymus drucei
Scientific name: Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus
Common name: Mother-of-Thyme

Date: 06/07/1978

Picture: 68
Severn. Saltmarsh plants

Triglochin maritimum Leys, Aberthaw 1972
Marys species name: Triglochin
Scientific name: Triglochin maritimum
Common name: Sea Arrowgrass

Date: 1972

Picture: 69
Rock Rose, Violet

Viola odorata near Aberthaw quarry, 30/03/78
Marys species name: Viola odorata
Scientific name: Viola odorata
Common name: Sweet violet

Date: 30/03/1978

Picture: 70

Bee orchids. Frosted leaves, Aberthaw. 26/06/79
Marys species name: Bee orchids
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 71

Danish scurvygrass. Old storm beach, Aberthaw. March 1978
Marys species name: Cochlearia danica
Scientific name: Cochlearia danica
Common name: Danish Scurvygrass

Date: March 1978

Picture: 72

Thymus drucei and driftwood. Aberthaw. Back of outer bank. 1978
Marys species name: Thymus drucei
Scientific name: Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus

Date: 1978

Picture: 73

Aberthaw lagoon in July 1983

Date: July 1983

Picture: 74

Tassel pond weed. Aberthaw lagoon 07/10/1998
Marys species name: Tassel pondweed
Scientific name: Ruppia maritima
Common name: Beaked Tasselweed

Date: 07/10/1998

Picture: 75

Apium graveolens. Aberthaw lagoon 06/06/1979
Marys species name: Apium graveolens
Scientific name: Apium graveolens
Common name: Wild Celery

Date: 06/06/1979

Picture: 76

Oenanthe lachenalii. Aberthaw lagoon. September 1979
Marys species name: Oenanthe lachenalii
Scientific name: Oenanthe lachenalii
Common name: Parsley Water-dropwort

Date: September 1979

Picture: 77

Samolus valerandi. The Leys, Aberthaw 1972
Marys species name: Samolus valerandi
Scientific name: Samolus valerandi
Common name: Brookweed

Date: 1972

Picture: 78

Triglochi martimum. Aberthaw Lagoon 1979
Marys species name: Triglochin maritimum
Scientific name: Triglochin maritimum
Common name: Sea Arrowgrass

Date: 1979

Picture: 79

Scirpus martimus. Aberthaw lagoon.1979
Marys species name: Scirpus maritimus
Scientific name: Bolboschoenus maritimus
Common name: Sea Club-rush

Date: 1979

Picture: 80

Viola odorata near East Aberthaw quarry, 30/03/78
Marys species name: Viola odorata
Scientific name: Viola odorata
Common name: Sweet violet

Date: 30/03/1978

Picture: 81

Onobrychis sativa Aberthaw lime kiln 1979
Marys species name: Onobrychis sativa
Scientific name: Onobrychis viciifolia
Common name: Sainfoin

Date: 1979

Picture: 82

Teasel patch behind Aberthaw lagoon 1983
Marys species name: Teasel
Scientific name: Dipsacus fullonum
Common name: Wild Teasel

Date: 1983

Picture: 83

Bee orchid in profile and Centaury. Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Bee orchid
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: 1983

Picture: 84

Bee orchid spikes in quadrant Aberthaw June 1979
Marys species name: Bee orchid
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: June 1979

Picture: 85

Drought-killed bee orchids. Aberthaw 15/05/1980
Marys species name: Bee orchid
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: 05/05/1980

Picture: 86

Clinopodium vulgare and clematis. Aberthaw beach 1978
Marys species name: Clinopodium vulgare
Scientific name: Clinopodium vulgare
Common name: Wild Basil

Date: 1978

Picture: 87

Tentative colony of marine terrestrial deposits by Spergularia. Aberthaw, March 1978
Marys species name: Spergularia
Scientific name: Spergularia

Date: March 1978

Picture: 88

Seedling spergularia on terrestrial deposits. Aberthaw. March 1978
Marys species name: Spergularia
Scientific name: Spergularia

Date: March 1978

Picture: 89

Limonium binervosum. Old beach East Aberthaw. No recent overthrow. 1978
Marys species name: Limonium binervosum
Scientific name: Limonium binervosum
Common name: Rock Sea-lavender

Date: 1978

Picture: 90
Behind sea wall

Carex extensa inflorescence. Aberthaw salt marsh. 5th July 1966
Marys species name: Carex extensa
Scientific name: Carex extensa
Common name: Long-bracted Sedge

Date: 05/07/1966

Picture: 91
Behind sea wall

Decrepit halimione 4ft above lagoon. Aberthaw. March 1978
Marys species name: Halimione
Scientific name: Atriplex
Common name: Orache

Date: March 1978

Picture: 92
Coast resumé, Brackish, Aberthaw lagoon

Triglochin, rabbit grazed and dung. Aberthaw 15/08/1972
Marys species name: Triglochin
Scientific name: Triglochin maritimum
Common name: Sea Arrowgrass

Date: 15/08/1972

Picture: 93
Coast resumé, Brackish, Aberthaw lagoon

Juncus geradrii. Aberthaw. July 1983
Marys species name: Juncus gerardii
Scientific name: Juncus gerardii
Common name: Saltmarsh Rush

Date: July 1983

Picture: 94
Coast resumé, Brackish, Aberthaw lagoon

Celery-leaved buttercup. Aberthaw lagoon 1979
Marys species name: Celery-leaved Buttercup
Scientific name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Common name: Celery-leaved Buttercup

Date: 1979

Picture: 95
Coast resumé, Brackish, Aberthaw lagoon

Apium graveolens. Aberthaw lagoon 15/08/1972
Marys species name: Apium graveolens
Scientific name: Apium graveolens
Common name: Wild Celery

Date: 15/08/1972

Picture: 96
Coast resumé, Brackish, Aberthaw lagoon

Carex extensa. Aberthaw lagoon 1983
Marys species name: Carex extensa
Scientific name: Carex extensa
Common name: Long-bracted Sedge

Date: 1983

Picture: 97
Aberthaw. Dried saltings to landward of lagoon

Melilotus. Leys, Aberthaw. Vale of Glamorgan
Marys species name: Melilotus
Scientific name: Melilotus

Picture: 98
Aberthaw. Dried saltings to landward of lagoon

Senecio erucifolius, Phragmites. Leys, Aberthaw 1972
Marys species name: Senecio erucifolius
Scientific name: Senecio erucifolius
Common name: Hoary Ragwort

Date: 1972

Picture: 99
Aberthaw. Dried saltings to landward of lagoon

Colt's foot on old Aberthaw estuary floor. April 1978
Marys species name: Colt's foot
Scientific name: Tussilago farfara
Common name: Colt's-foot

Date: April 1978

Picture: 100
Aberthaw storm beach andvance over marsh

Geranium robertianum,Gileston Beach October 1975

Date: October 1975

Picture: 101
Aberthaw storm beach andvance over marsh

Corn sow thistle. Aberthaw outer storm beach
Marys species name: Corn sow thistle
Scientific name: Sonchus arvensis
Common name: Perennial Sow-thistle

Picture: 102
Aberthaw inner storm beach below cliff

Nettle. Aberthaw inner beach. Deep rooted to nutrients, 1978
Marys species name: Nettle
Scientific name: Urtica dioica
Common name: Common Nettle

Date: 1978

Picture: 103
Aberthaw saltmarsh plants

Sueda, red. Aberthaw pebbles. 30/09/78
Marys species name: Suaeda
Scientific name: Suaeda

Date: 30/09/1978

Picture: 104
Aberthaw saltmarsh plants

Artemisia maritima, sea wormwood by Thaw, 1978
Marys species name: Artemisia maritima
Scientific name: Seriphidium maritimum
Common name: Sea Wormwood

Date: 1978

Picture: 105
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Ulex europaeus, Aberthaw, March 1978
Marys species name: Ulex europaeus
Scientific name: Ulex europaeus
Common name: Gorse

Date: March 1978

Picture: 106
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Rosa canina, Aberthaw quarry, 1983
Marys species name: Rosa canina
Scientific name: Rosa canina agg
Common name: Dogrose

Date: 1983

Picture: 107
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Chenopodium rubrum, Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) pool. Aberthaw, 1972
Marys species name: Chenopodium rubrum
Scientific name: Chenopodium rubrum
Common name: Red Goosefoot

Date: 1972

Picture: 108
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Trisetum flavescens, Aberthaw quarry, 1979
Marys species name: Trisetum flavescens
Scientific name: Trisetum flavescens
Common name: Yellow Oat-grass

Date: 1979

Picture: 109
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Zerna erecta (Bromus), Aberthaw, 1983
Marys species name: Zerna erecta
Scientific name: Bromopsis erecta
Common name: Upright Brome

Date: 1983

Picture: 110
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Puccinellia distans, Aberthaw, June 1979
Marys species name: Puccinellia distans
Scientific name: Puccinellia distans
Common name: Reflexed Saltmarsh-Grass

Date: June 1979

Picture: 111
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Puccinellia distans, Lepturus incurva. Aberthaw lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Puccinellia distans
Scientific name: Puccinellia distans
Common name: Reflexed Saltmarsh-Grass

Date: 1979

Picture: 112
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Dorothy Perkins gone wild. Aberthaw, August 1979
Marys species name: Dorothy Perkins

Date: August 1979

Picture: 113
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Plantago media, Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Plantago media
Scientific name: Plantago media
Common name: Hoary Plantain

Date: 1983

Picture: 114
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Trampled Plantago media, Aberthaw, 1983
Marys species name: Plantago media
Scientific name: Plantago media
Common name: Hoary Plantain

Date: 1983

Picture: 115
Aberthaw old quarry. Calicole flora

Picris hieracoides. Leys, Aberthaw by lagoon, 1972
Marys species name: Picris hieracoides
Scientific name: Picris hieracioides
Common name: Hawkweed Oxtongue

Date: 1972

Picture: 116
Aberthaw bee orchids

Withered bee orchid rosettes. Aberthaw drought, May 1980
Marys species name: Bee orchid
Scientific name: Ophrys apifera
Common name: Bee Orchid

Date: May 1980

Picture: 117
Aberthaw bee orchids

Geranium columbinum and bee orchid. Aberthaw 1983
Marys species name: Geranium columbinum
Scientific name: Geranium columbinum
Common name: Long-stalked Crane's-bill

Date: 1983

Picture: 118
Aberthaw bee orchids

Ophrys apifera mapping, Aberthaw. 26/06/79

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 119
Aberthaw bee orchids

Bee orchid quadrat corner, Aberthaw 26/06/79

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 120
Aberthaw. Breakaway of old tufaceous beach. Visits of February 13 and 15th 1982

Adiantum capillus veneris at Watch House Point, Tufa, July 1978
Marys species name: Adiantum capillus veneris
Scientific name: Adiantum capillus-veneris
Common name: Maidenhair Fern

Date: July 1978

Picture: 121

Parapholis incurva abundant Aberthaw lagoon, June 1979
Marys species name: Parapholis incurva
Scientific name: Parapholis incurva
Common name: Curved Hard Grass

Date: June 1979

Picture: 122

Lepturus incurvus by Aberthaw lagoon, 26/06/79
Marys species name: Lepturus incurvus
Scientific name: Parapholis incurva
Common name: Curved Hard Grass

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 123
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) pool

Flowers and seedlings. Ranunculus baudotii var marina, Aberthaw 1972
Marys species name: Ranunculus baudotii var marina

Date: 1972

Picture: 124
Aberthaw. Sea wall, beach

Eroded intertidal Spergularia marginata. Aberthaw, March 1978
Marys species name: Spergularia marginata
Scientific name: Spergularia media
Common name: Greater Sea-spurrey

Date: March 1978

Picture: 125
Aberthaw. Upper fresh marsh

Water speedwell, Aberthaw lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Water speedwell
Scientific name: Veronica

Date: 1979

Picture: 126
Aberthaw. Upper fresh marsh

Typha latifolia, Aberthaw 1979
Marys species name: Typha latifolia
Scientific name: Typha latifolia
Common name: Bulrush

Date: 1979

Picture: 127
Lagoon. Brackish plants, Aberthaw

Ruppia, fruits, flowers in sheath. Aberthaw, 07/10/78
Marys species name: Ruppia
Scientific name: Ruppia
Common name: Seagrass

Date: 07/10/1978

Picture: 128
Lagoon. Brackish plants, Aberthaw

Ranunculus sceleratus. Aberthaw lagoon, 1983
Marys species name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Scientific name: Ranunculus sceleratus
Common name: Celery-leaved Buttercup

Date: 1983

Picture: 129
Lagoon. Brackish plants, Aberthaw

Wild celery in reeds, Aberthaw lagoon, July 1979
Marys species name: Wild celery
Scientific name: Apium graveolens
Common name: Wild Celery

Date: July 1979

Picture: 130
Lagoon. Brackish plants, Aberthaw

Ranunculus baudotii land form. Aberthaw lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Ranunculus baudotii
Scientific name: Ranunculus baudotii
Common name: Brackish Water-crowfoot

Date: 1979

Picture: 131
East Aberthaw Quarry. Duck pool. 1981 (and 2 in 197?) Inland

Onobrychis sativa. East Aberthaw quarry rod. July 1979
Marys species name: Onobrychis sativa
Scientific name: Onobrychis viciifolia
Common name: Sainfoin

Date: July 1979

Picture: 132
East Aberthaw Quarry. Duck pool. 1981 (and 2 in 197?) Inland

Dark viola odorata. East Aberthaw quarry 1978
Marys species name: Viola odorata
Scientific name: Viola odorata
Common name: Sweet violet

Date: 1978

Picture: 133
East Aberthaw Quarry. Duck pool. 1981 (and 2 in 197?) Inland

Water holding laefbase teasel. 1983
Marys species name: Teasels
Scientific name: Dipsacus
Common name: Teasel

Date: 1983

Picture: 134
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Lavender, Aster, Puccinellia back of west salt marsh by River Thaw above power stations. September 1978
Marys species name: Puccinellia
Scientific name: Puccinellia
Common name: Saltmarsh-Grass

Date: September 1978

Picture: 135
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Limonium vulgare. Pans above River Thaw, west of canalised mouth, Aberthaw, Vale of Glamorgan, 1974
Marys species name: Limonium vulgare
Scientific name: Limonium vulgare
Common name: Common Sea-lavender

Date: 1974

Picture: 136
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Puccinellia, lavender, aster ungrazed, west of River Thaw, September 1978
Marys species name: Puccinellia
Scientific name: Puccinellia
Common name: Saltmarsh-Grass

Date: September 1978

Picture: 137
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Artemisia maritima, sea wormwood, with Agropyron pungens, west of Aberthaw by lower railway bridge, 1978
Marys species name: Artemisia maritima
Scientific name: Seriphidium maritimum
Common name: Sea Wormwood

Date: 1978

Picture: 138
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Gully with Halimione, west of Aberthaw. View east. September 1978
Marys species name: Halimione
Scientific name: Atriplex
Common name: Orache

Date: September 1978

Picture: 139
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Lower water canalised mouth of Thaw (herons). Sperg[ularia sp.] on wall. 1978
Marys species name: Sperg
Scientific name: Spergularia

Date: 1978

Picture: 140
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Cattle-cropped Glyceria maxima by River Kenson, Aberthaw. October 1978
Marys species name: Glyceria maxima
Scientific name: Glyceria maxima
Common name: Reed Sweet-grass

Date: October 1978

Picture: 141
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Brassica flowers, seeds, leaves. West Aberthaw. October 1984
Marys species name: Brassica
Scientific name: Brassica
Common name: Cabbage

Date: October 1984

Picture: 142
West Aberthaw saltmarsh

Red blackberries, West Aberthaw, October 1984
Marys species name: Blackberries
Scientific name: Rubus fruticosus agg.
Common name: Bramble

Date: October 1984

Picture: 143
Saline River Thaw inland of road. 2.5 and 1.25 miles from sea

Carex extensa, Aberthaw Lagoon, 1979
Marys species name: Carex extensa
Scientific name: Carex extensa
Common name: Long-bracted Sedge

Date: 1979

Picture: 144
Saline River Thaw inland of road. 2.5 and 1.25 miles from sea

Collembolan skins on Roppia pool, 1.75 miles up River Thaw, October 1978
Marys species name: Collembola
Scientific name: Collembola
Common name: Springtail

Date: October 1978

Picture: 145
Saline River Thaw inland of road. 2.5 and 1.25 miles from sea

Vaucheria and aster by River Thaw above road, October 1978
Marys species name: Vaucheria
Scientific name: Vaucheria

Date: October 1978

Picture: 146
River Kenson at Llancadle

Trifolium squamosum Sea clover by River Thaw below cement works, Aberthaw, July 1974
Marys species name: Trifolium squamosum
Scientific name: Trifolium squamosum
Common name: Sea Clover

Date: July 1974

Picture: 147
River Kenson at Llancadle

Trifolium squamosum Sea clover. Rare and southern. Aberthaw brackish marsh. 5 July 1966
Marys species name: Trifolium squamosum
Scientific name: Trifolium squamosum
Common name: Sea Clover

Date: 05/01/1966

Picture: 148
River Waycock. Flowers and Tyn y Coed, Boverton, near Barry Hawking Centre and Insects. Agrion virgo abundance

Tassel pond weed. Dark. Aberthaw. 7th October 1978
Marys species name: Tassel pond weed
Scientific name: Ruppia maritima
Common name: Beaked tasselweed

Date: 07/10/1978

Picture: 149
Saltmarsh erosion between Rumney Little Wharf and Rhymney Mouth. 1968 - 1978

Spartina spikes damaged in youth. West Aberthaw, September 1978
Marys species name: Spartina
Scientific name: Spartina
Common name: Cordgrass

Date: September 1978

Picture: 150
River Rhymney by A48

Glaux maritima. Aberthaw saltmarsh. Mid June 1971
Marys species name: Glaux maritima
Scientific name: Glaux maritima
Common name: Sea-milkwort

Date: June 1971

Picture: 151
Howardian Local nature Reserve. East cardiff. 1992

Vicia cracca, Aberthaw, July 1983
Marys species name: Vicia cracca
Scientific name: Vicia cracca
Common name: Tufted vetch

Date: July 1983

Picture: 152
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Maidenhair, yellow wort, fescue, tufa. Aberthaw
Marys species name: Maidenhair Fern
Scientific name: Adiantum capillus-veneris
Common name: Maidenhair Fern

Picture: 153
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Cochlearia anglica fruits, plantago maritima from saltmarsh push through pebbles, Aberthaw outer bank, 1978
Marys species name: Cochlearia anglica
Scientific name: Cochlearia anglica
Common name: English Scurvygrass

Date: 1978

Picture: 154
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Apium graveolens, Aberthaw, 26 June 1979, celery
Marys species name: Apium graveolens
Scientific name: Apium graveolens
Common name: Wild Celery

Date: 26/06/1979

Picture: 155
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Pale orobanche minor, Aberthaw June 1965
Marys species name: Pale orobanche minor
Scientific name: Orobanche minor
Common name: Common Broomrape

Date: June 1965

Picture: 156
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Oenanthe lachenalii, flowers and fruit, Aberthaw, 7 October 1978
Marys species name: Oenanthe lachenalii
Scientific name: Oenanthe lachenalii
Common name: Parsley Water-dropwort

Date: 07/10/1978

Picture: 157
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Pyramidal orchids on 10 year old fly ash, Aberthaw 1979
Marys species name: pyramidal orchids
Scientific name: Anacamptis pyramidalis
Common name: Pyramidal Orchid

Date: 1979

Picture: 158
Aberthaw Lecture Set Box One

Linum bienne, East Aberthaw, 1983
Marys species name: Linum bienne
Scientific name: Linum bienne
Common name: Pale Flax

Date: 1983

Picture: 159

Sedum acre, roadside, Aberthaw road. 1983
Marys species name: sedum acre
Scientific name: Sedum acre
Common name: Biting Stonecrop

Date: 1983

Picture: 160
Hammadryad, Canal Mouth

Tall Glaux, Aberthaw lagoon. July 1979
Marys species name: Glaux
Scientific name: Glaux

Date: July 1979

Picture: 161

Apium graveolens, Juncus bufonius. Aberthaw, 1973
Marys species name: Apium graveolens
Scientific name: Apium graveolens
Common name: Wild Celery

Date: 1973

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