
Picture: 1
Cors Crychydd, Rhymney Marsh, inland section

Frogbit cover, Cors Crychydd reen, Lamby, 1999
Marys species name: Frogbit
Scientific name: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Common name: Frogbit

Date: 1999

Picture: 2
Lamby Way pond, fisherman's pond, 2000

Lamby Way pond, Lythrum, Myosotis, Nymphaea, 11/7/2000
Marys species name: Lythrum
Scientific name: Lythrum

Date: 11/07/2000

Picture: 3
Lamby Way pond, fisherman's pond, 2000

Lamby Way pond, ranunculus lingua, Lythrum, Typha, Phalaris, Reed. 13/7/2000
Marys species name: Ranunculus lingua
Scientific name: Ranunculus lingua
Common name: Greater Spearwort

Date: 13/07/2000

Picture: 4
Reens behind Rumney, Great and Little wharves.

Dense Lemna gibba and Hydroclaris, Ceratophyllum, Lamby Sewer, September 1974
Marys species name: Lemna gibba
Scientific name: Lemna gibba
Common name: Fat Duckweed

Date: September 1974

Picture: 5
Lamby Lake, August 2003

Great water dock from Southwest Sandpiper Bay, Lamby, July 2003
Marys species name: Great water dock
Scientific name: Rumex hydrolapathum
Common name: Water Dock

Date: July 2003

Picture: 6

Dipsacus fullonum by River Rhymney ox-bow, Rumney. 27/10/82
Marys species name: Dipsacus fullonum
Scientific name: Dipsacus fullonum
Common name: Wild Teasel

Date: 27/10/1982

Picture: 7
Severn. Aquatic reen plants

Greater and lesser duckweed pool behind Rumney Little Wharf, Maerdy, 09/11/78

Date: 09/11/1978

Picture: 8
Rhymney mouth

High level creeks with prawns. East of River Rhymney, outside of Rhymney Little Wharf, 1978

Date: 1978

Picture: 9
Rhymney mouth

Blown duckweed. Reen behind East end of Rumney Great Wharf, 09/11/78
Marys species name: Duckweed

Date: 09/11/1978

Picture: 10
Rhymney mouth

Butomus umbellatus is all round Lamby Lake in June 2003 spreading into deeper water
Marys species name: Butomus umbellatus
Scientific name: Butomus umbellatus
Common name: Flowering-rush

Date: June 2003

Picture: 11

Sludging of Fescue turf. River Rhymney, Lamby. Aster down. September 1973
Marys species name: Aster
Scientific name: Aster

Date: September 1973

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