
Picture: 1
Taff Fawr icicles

Spruce by Beacons Reservoir. Glassy ice crust, Taf Fawr, February 1963
Marys species name: Spruce
Scientific name: Picea

Date: February 1963

Picture: 2
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Beacons reservoir, north west, Eleocharis below, Carex rostrata above
Marys species name: Eleocharis
Scientific name: Eleocharis

Picture: 3
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Beacons Reservoir. Sheep on Littorella sward joining seasonal island to western shore. July 1980
Marys species name: Littorella
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: July 1980

Picture: 4
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Littorelletum and valley of infant Taf Fawr. 1980
Marys species name: Littorella
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: 1980

Picture: 5
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Littorella sward where Taf Fawr joins top reservoir. October
Marys species name: Littorella
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: October

Picture: 6
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Littorella, then Carex rostrata, then Juncus effusus. Beacons Reservoir, Cwm Taf, 1980
Marys species name: Littorella
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: 1980

Picture: 7
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Littorella on organic-poor silt by Taf Fawr. Beacons Reservoir, October 1971
Marys species name: Littorella
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: October 1971

Picture: 8
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

North end of Beacons Reservoir and corrie cliff of Fan Fawr, which faces east not north. Ulex gallii in flower. 11/10/1980
Marys species name: Ulex gallii
Scientific name: Ulex gallii
Common name: Western Gorse

Date: 11/10/1980

Picture: 9
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Luzula sylvatica, gorse, foxglove (on) eroding west-facing shore, Beacons Reservoir, above Littorella.
Marys species name: Luzula sylvatica
Scientific name: Luzula sylvatica
Common name: Great Wood-rush

Picture: 10
Beacons Reservoir, topmost on Taf Fawr

Shoreweed at head of Beacons Reservoir. 1980
Marys species name: Shoreweed
Scientific name: Littorella uniflora
Common name: Shoreweed

Date: 1980

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