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This Order reads as follows:

'Thursday, 24th Aug 1654
At the Council at Whitehall
On consideration of the pettiton of Mr William Jones, minister of the Gospell at Denbigh, shewing that the petr, being, about the yeare 1647, appointed by the Co'mittee of Sequestratons for Northwales, to officiate as minister at Denbigh, and to receive for his paynes the Tythes and proffitts of the Parsonage there (being sine cura) as an augmentaton to the vicarage, being a vicarage endowed, and both under sequestraton, and being afterwards confirmed therein by the Comrs for Propagation of the Gospell in Wales, did under those orders enjoy the same, for neare seaven years, till of late William Carter and others interrupted him in receiving the Tythes under pretence of one Mr Hugh Lloyd's title (being minister of Ffordham in Cambridgeshire) who claymes the same under an Instituton and induction aboute fourteen yeares agoe, though hee made not the same known before the Comtee of Sequestratons, or to the petitioner.
Ordered by his highness the Lord P'tector, and the Covncell, that the sayd Mr William Jones be continved, and hereby is settled in the sayd vicrage of Denbigh, and that he receive and take the proffits thereof, as alsoe of the sayd parsonage, till further order. And the Jvstices of Peace thereabouts, as alsoe the Aldermen, and other officers of the sayd towne of Denbigh, are vpon all occasions to give all fitt assistance to the sayd Mr Jones, for receiving the proffitts of the said Parsonage and vicarage accordingly.
Retd. 20th, 7br, 1654 W. Jessop, Clerke of the Counsell'.

Source: John Williams, Ancient and Modern Denbigh: A Descriptive History of the Castle, Borough and Liberties (Denbigh, 1856), pp. 354-5.

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