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These 'practical health suggestions' were given to the Dinorwig quarrymen by R. H. Mills, the quarry doctor, in August 1894. Mills focused on four topics relating to the quarrymen's lives, namely, their homes, clothes, and the importance of good personal hygiene and diet. He stressed the importance of good ventilation in the home, especially the bedrooms, and advised that all windows should be kept open. Quarrymen were encouraged to change their underclothes as often as possible, and to keep two separate sets of woollen undergarments - one for work and the other for 'after work'. The quarrymen were urged to wash as often as possible, and to remove all their work clothes as soon as they had arrived home from the quarry. After washing thoroughly, warm, dry woollen undergarments should then be worn. The quarry doctor clearly felt that the quarrymen's diet left much to be desired. Instead of living on 'tea and bread-and-butter', they were urged to vary their diet with oats, oatcakes, broth, milk, cocoa and vegetables from the garden. They were also advised not to drink so much stewed tea.

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