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Providence Baptist Chapel can be found by the terrace of old buildings comprising the Inn, shop and Post Office in Cwmdu. It is a tall whitewashed building fronted by a small burial ground. The chapel was built in its present form in 1839 and renovated in 1883. The Baptists have been active in Cwmdu for 214 years and celebrated their bicentennial in 1989. In the early years there were as many as 180 members but the congregation now comprises just 21 people.

On the opposite side of the road to the chapel, the course of the stream was enlarged to form a pool with steps leading down. This was the baptismal pool for Capel Providence. During the summer of 1859 forty six people were baptised there by Reverend John Morris.

The photograph was taken in 1939, when Rev. Price Evans was minister and there was held The Baptist Conference of Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion. 2,000 people attended this two day preaching festival during glorious weather and a large tent was erected to serve food to the delegates.

Now an annual combined Thanksgiving Service and Preaching Festival is held in September and the popular, annual singing festival, called Cymanfa Ganu, is held with the other Baptist chapels in the area.

Saif Capel Providence y Bedyddwyr ger y teras sy'n cynnwys y dafarn, siop a'r Swyddfa Bost yng Ngwmdu. Mae'n adeilad tal gwyngalchog gyda mynwent fechan o'i flaen.Adeiladwyd yr eglwys bresennol ym 1839 ac fe'i hadnewyddwyd ym1883.
Dechreuwyd achos y Bedyddwyr yng Nghwmdu dros 200 mlynedd yn ol gan ddathlu deucanmlwyddiant ym 1989.Yn y dyddiau cynnar roedd rhif yr aelodau yn 180 ond erbyn hyn mae'r nifer wedi gostwng i 21.
Gyferbyn a'r capel rhed afonig ac fe ddefnyddiwyd dwr hon i wneud pwll gyda grisiau yn arwain i lawr i'r dwr. Hwn oedd pwll bedyddio Capel Providence. Yn ystod haf 1859 bedyddiwyd 46 o bobl gan y Parchedig John Morris
Ym 1939 yn ystod gweinidogaeth y Parch Price Evans cynhaliwyd Cynhadledd Bedyddwyr Caerfyrddin a Cheredigion, dros ddau ddiwrnod, yn y Providence. Daeth dwy fil o bobl i'r cyfarfodydd mewn tywydd braf a phoeth ac fe godwyd pabell fawr ar gyfer paratoi bwyd i'r cynrychiolwyr a'r cynnulleidfaoedd.
Cynhelir Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch yn unol a Gwasaneth Pregethu yn flynyddol ym mis Medi. Deil y Gymanfa Ganu yn boblogaidd gyda chapeli'r Bedyddwyr yn yr ardal yn uno gyda'u gilydd
(Atgofion Jack Thomas Cwmdu 2003)
(Kindly translated by Brenda James).

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