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In this letter, the mayor of Carmarthen is told that Mr John Lees, an Inspector of Bank notes at the Bank of England, is being sent to Carmarthen to assist the investigation in the case against Elizabeth and Jane Baines.

London 13th Dec. 1817

The Government of the Bank of England has desired us to acknowledge the Rect. of your Letter of the 11th inst. & to thank you for your prompt attention to the subject to which it refers. We have given directions to W. John Lees, one of the Inspectors of Bank Notes at the Bank of England, to set out immediately for Carmarthen to assist in the investigation of the Case, & in collecting thee requisite evidence to bring the offenders to Justice. Mr. Lees has had great experience in ___ of this kind, and we have given him full instructions, so that you will find him a very useful assistant & you will please to deliver to him the forged Bank Notes ___ the Paper blotter things found upon the Prisoners or in their house.

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