Snippets from Newspapers

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Snippets from Newspapers

These are transcriptions (from the original images) by Gareth Hicks made (August 2013 / Feb 2014) from entries found on  the NLW site Welsh Newspapers Online , with some later additions as they are found.

Initially by searching on the words Cwmgors/Gwauncaegurwen/Tairgwaith, but, after  the addition of several more newspapers by the NLW in Feb 2014 (inc Amman Valley Chronicle) , I extended this search to some of my own family names. However, in the latter instance,  I have transcribed the whole piece to include any other names shown.

  • Article selection is random and is NOT a complete transcription, although I have tried to produce a range of subject matter.
  • Apart from being snapshots of local history here in one place, the main advantage I see in this data being here is that a browser search will find names which only a direct search on the NLW site may otherwise discover.I say this because of the variable quality of the NLW's OCR conversion of the original images to text viewable by search engines (this may improve over time).
  • The entries are shown here in date order of publication, cover the period 1884 to 1919 and are from ; - Amman Valley Chronicle, Tarian y Gweithiwr; Seren Cymru; Cambrian; Weekly Mail; Llais Llafur, Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser . Plus The  Cardiff Times
  • There is no index of names/places, use your browser's search facility
  • Welsh language articles have not been translated

Tarian y Gweithiwr - 5 Jan 1877


Y mae eisteddfod flynyddol Wauncaegurwen eleni eto yn mhlith y pethau a fu. Cynaliwyd hi yn ysgoldy y lle, dydd Nadolig. Yn absenoldeb Dr. Rees, Tirbach (yr hwn, am nad oedd yn gallu bod yn bresenol, a anfonodd 10s. at wasanaeth y pwyllgor, a diolch yn fawr iddo), cymerwyd y gadair gan Mr Thos. Jones, manager, Rhosaman. Wedi cael araeth fer, bwrpasol ganddo, a chael anerchiadau gan y beirdd, awd yn mlaen fel y canlyn a gwaith y oyfarfod - Ton ar yr harmonium gan J. D. Evans. Canu "Can mewn gofid," gan fechgyn dan 15 oed, goreu T. Bevan, Craigcefn Park. Adrodd "Newyrth Dafydd," goreu T. Bevan. Deuawd," Y Teiliwr a'r Crydd," goreu, John Rowland a'i gyfaill, Cwmtwrch. Beirniadaeth y gan "Y V(?) sydd ben yma," rhanwyd y wobr rhwng Gwydderig a Gwilym Curwen. Canu "Wyres Fach Ned Puw," goreu Magie, Rhydyfro. Beirniadaeth y Ffyn, goreu, John Thomas, Waunleison. Canu "Yn mreichiau fy Ngwaredwr," ac " Y mae bywyd trwy edrych," gan gor o blant, goreu cor Blodeu yn Curwen, dan arweiniad Richard Hicks.  Beirniadaeth y llythyron caru, goreu Jonah W. Evans. Solo," Cledd fy nhad," rhanwyd y wobr rhwng John James a John T. Rees, Gwauncaegurwen. Beirniadaeth y gwobr gydau, goreu Miss Gwen George, Ty mawr. Beirniadaeth yr englyn Bedd- argraff i T. D. James, gynt o Corsto, yr hwn a gyfarfyddodd a'i ddiwedd mewn tanchwa yn Califfornia, goreu E. Thomas, Drumyrych, Cwmaman. Triawd, "Duw bydd drugarog," goreu D. Evans a'i gyfeillion, Gwauncaegurwen. Beirniadaeth yr alaw ar y penillion i'r dynion chwech a dwy, goreu D. Lewis, Brynaman. Canu "Let the hills resound," gan barti o 16, goreu, Cor Curwen, dan arweiniad W. Thomas. Beirniadaeth y 60 llinell ar "Ddystawrwydd," goreu, Gwydderig, Brynaman. Cana "Dafydd y Gareg Wen," goreu Miss Griffiths, Gwauncaegurwen. Canu y prif ddarn corawl, "O'r dyfnder y llefais arnat." Dau gor dynodd am y dorch, sef Curwen  a Cwmtwrch, a rhanwyd y wobr rhyngddynt. Felly terfynodd un o'r eisteddfodau goreu fu ar y Waun erioed. Arweinydd, Parch. John Jones, Llangiwc; beirniad y canu, Mr D. Buallt Jones; y farddoniaeth, &c., Mr D. James [Dewi Iago].

Cynaliwyd oyngherdd yn yr hwyr, pryd y gwasanaethwyd gan y beirniad, Howel Thomas, J. James, Rees Davies, Mrs Rees, and Miss Griffiths, factory; a Mr H. L. Edmonds.

 Rhoddwyd testyn araeth yn yr eisteddfod i'w thraddodi yn y gyngherdd, sef  'Yr Eog:' naw yn areithio, a'r goreu  oedd Enoch Rees, Brynaman. Rhoddwyd testyn i'r beirdd hefyd, a'r feirn- iadaeth i'w darllen yn y gyngherdd, a dyma fe, 'Dr. Rees, Tirbach, yn gosod careg sylfaen Carmel newydd.'  Daeth naw i mewn, ac eiddo Gwydderig, Brynaman, oedd y goreu Lleihawyd £10 ar ddyled y capel.

DARLITH.- Nos Fercher, Rhagfyr 13, traddodwyd darlith yn ysgoldy y lle ar "Ddyn," gan Robert Evans, Aberdar.  Yr elw i Eleazar, mab John Morris, Gwaith y Waun, yr hwn sydd yn gystuddiol er ys rhal blynyddoedd.  --  AP O

Tarian y Gweithiwr - 17 Jan 1884

GWAUNCAEGURWEN. - MARWOLAETH. - Y mae genym yr wythnos hon y gorchwyl o gofnodi marwolaeth Mr Thomas Rees, Cwmgors, yr hyn a gymerodd le dydd Mawrth, yr 8fed cyfisol, yn 55 mlwydd oed. Prydnawn dydd Iau canlynol, ymgynullodd tyrfa luosog yn nghyd i hebrwng ei weddillion marwol i fynwent yr hen Garmel, pryd y gwasan aethwyd ar yr achlysur gan y Parchn Jones, Llangiwc, ac A. Williams, Canaan. Yr oedd yn aelod parchus yn eglwys Carmel, ac yn llanw y swydd o gyhoeddwr. Nid dyn o radd gyffredin mewn gwybodaeth oedd ef, oblegyd yr oedd ynddo gyfrolau a'r gyfrolau o wybodaeth yn(?)grythyrol, ac yr oedd yn dad tyner a gofalus am ei deulu. Ymgysured ei weddw a'i plant yn eu galar blin yn y ffaith ei fod wedi myned oddiwrth ei waith at ei wobr. Tad yr amddifad a Barnwr y gweddwon fyddo'n nodded drostynt.

D S. - Yr oedd y gymydogaeth yma wedi dangos ei charedigrwydd tuag at T. Rees trwy ymbarotoi cyngherdd, ac iddo gael yr elw a fuasai yn deilliaw o honi. Feallai y bydd gair o eglurhad yn nghylch y gyngherdd yn mhellach yn dderbyniol gan lawer o bell ac agos sydd wedi derbyn tocynau. Bydd elw y gyngherodd eto yn myned i weddw o diweddar Thomas Rees, Cwmgors.—J. JONES.

Tarian y Gweithiwr -  29th Oct 1885


Hydref 20fed, yn bedwar mis oed, Benjamin, anwyl blentyn Samuel a Mary Williams, Cwmgors.

Y dydd Gwener canlynol claddwyd ef yn mynwent Carmel, a gweinyddwyd ar yr achlysur gan y Parch. T. Selby Jones, y gweinidog.

Tarian y Gweithiwr - 10 Dec 1885


Dydd Gwener, Rhag. 4ydd, yn 25 mlwydd oed, bu farw Daniel Isaac, Llwynrhydiau Cottage, Cwmgors. Ni chafodd yr ymadawedig ond cystudd byr cyn ymadael a'r fuchedd hon. Yr oedd yn ddyn tawel a charedig bob amser, ac yn barchus gan bawb o'i gydnabod, ac yn aelod o eglwys Carmel. Gadawodd weddw a dau o blant bychain i alaru eu colled ar ei ol. Yr Arglwydd daeno ei aden glyd dros ein hanwyl chwaer a'i rhai bychain yn ei thrallod blin. Dydd Mawrth canlynol, daeth tyrfa luosog yn nghyd i hebrwng ei weddillion marwol i fynwent Hen Garmel, Llangiwc, pryd y gwasanaethwyd gan Mr T. Selby Jones, y gweinidog. Heddwch i'w lwch.

Seren Cymru - 11Feb 1898


SEION, CWMGORS.  - Sabboth, Ionawr 16eg, cynnaliodd Ysgol Sul yr eglwys uchod ei chyfarfodydd chwarteroL. Cafwyd dau gyfarfod rhagorol. Treuliwyd y boreu i wrando ar y plant, pryd y cymmerwyd rhan gan y rhai canlynol : - Blodwen John, Rees Griffiths, Tom Bartlett, Wm Leonard, Rachel John, John James, Sarah John, George Bartlett, Willie Jones, a chanwyd dan arweiniad Tom Morgan. Yn yr hwyr cymmerwyd rhan gan rai mewn oed, sef Willie Jones, John James, Sarah John, Rees Griffiths, Dd Davies, George Bartlett, Gwen Jones, Hanah Jane Jenkins, Ruth Jones, Tom Edwards, DI Thomas, S1. Bunndy, Catherine Thomas, a'i chyfeilles, Dd Walters, a chanwyd dan arweiniad Tom Morgan. Llywyddwyd yn y ddau gyfarfod gan J. E. Thomas, y gweinidog.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 15 November 1901


THE RECENT STRIKE. - The 644 colliers who were recently summoned owing to the Gwauncaegurwen Colliery dispute, were to appear at Pontardawe on Friday, the 8th inst., but an understanding was arrived at by which the hearing was postponed until Friday, the 22nd inst.

FATAL ACCIDENTS.-At the Blaenywaun Colliery on Friday, the 8th inst., a collier named Charles Price, from Cwmllynfell, met with a fatal accident, through a heavy stone falling upon him. Death was instantaneous. The deceased was 30 years of age, and he leaves a widow and one small child.

On the same day another collier, named David Davies, from Gwauncaegurwen, whilst engaged in his work at Bryncethin Colliery, met with his death through a fall in the colliery. His leg was fractured in three places, and the main artery was cut. The bleeding was so much that it resulted in death. He was about 30 years of age, and leaves a widow and a young child. The two victims were highly respected in the neighbourhood, and great sympathy is felt for their sorrowing families.

Cambrian - 28 Sept 1902


American Welshman Visiting Swansea.

During the summer months scores of the leading men amongst the Welsh tin and sheet workers of America have paid a visit to the old country, and for convenience sake have made Swansea a centre of meeting on different occasions. We are unable to give all the names of the visitors, but very prominent among them are Mr. Dd. Lloyd, formerly of Llangennech, and now of New Castle. Pa. Mr. Lloyd needs no introduction to the. South Wales public, in as much as he had carved his fame in the musical arena, of Wales as one of the finest tenors the Principality produced. His laurels were many and varied. Mr. Taranlais Thomas of Cwmavon and Llangennech, who is nothing if not good humour and geniality itself, is also amongst the crowd. His bass voice has won unto him fame on this and the other side of the Atlantic. It may be interesting to note that Mr. Thomas and Mr. Lloyd when working at Morlais, Llangennech, as rollermen. a few years ago, won the two champion solos at a great competitive concert held at Tonypandy. Mr. Tom Francis, of Mysydd, Lan- dore, is one of the best known Welshmen of New Castle. He has resided in that country for fifteen years, and is a prominent man among Republicans of his State. Mr. Francis is a very fine speaker in Welsh and English, and lt is remarkable how he has retained the purity of his Welsh. Mr. Sam Evans, Ammanford, Mr. Tom Richards, Mysydd Inn, Landore, Mr Wm. Clarke, Morriston,  Mr. J. C. Williams, Treorky; Mr. L. P. Roberts, of Los Angeles, California, and a native of Cwmgors, Gwaun-cae-gurwen; Mr. W. Parry, and others were at Swansea on Tuesday preparing and arranging for the return trip next Wednesday from Liverpool, via the White Star Line. The company had arranged to meet at the Victoria Hotel. College-street, where they also met several old friends who had previously been living in different parts of the United States. The old gentleman of Cwmgors, Gwaun-cae-gurwen has been out prospecting in the gold mines of California for very many years, and is now on a visit which may extend for many months. The companv held a formal meeting, when several prominent miners from Ystalyfera and Cwmtwrch joined in wishing the Cambro-Americans every success on and after their journey home to the West.

Tarian y Gweithiwr - 1 Sept 1904



Gwn y bydd yn dda gan lawer o gyfeillion Mr David John Isaac, Cwmgors, glywed am ei lwyddiant yn pasio y Theoretical Exam. Junior Certificate London College of Music, yn ddiweddar. Eniliodd 91 o farciau allan o 100. Parotowyd ef ar gyfer ys arholiad gan Mr J Morgan, A.L.C.M., cyfeilydd eglwys Bethel Newydd, Cwmamman. Dymunwn lwyddiant pellach eto.

Cambrian - 11 May 1906



At Pontardawe on Friday, Mary Morgan, married, Gwauncaegurwen, was summoned for stealing 40 lbs. of coal, value 3d., property of the Gwauncaegurwen Colliery Co. An officer said he saw defendant with coal in a bucket. When she saw him she dropped it.

Defendant denied this, and called witnesses to say she had gone to feed a pony on the common.

Defendant was fined 20s. and costs.

"I tha(?)nk," said Mr. Herbert Lloyd, "we shall have to send one or two of these cases to gaol. They don't seem to take any warning by reason of fines at all, and I don't know how many cases we've had from Gwauncaegurwen. They don't seem to recognise the enormity of the offence. Though it is painful to send a woman to prison, we certainly shall have to do it. It ought to have been done long ago.

Cardiff Times - 2 June 1906

New Hall for Gwauncaegurwen

On Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large number of people Mrs F. W. Gilbertson, of Glynteg, Pontardawe, formally opened a new public hall at Gwauncaegurwen. The building, which was greatly needed, will obviate the holding of various meetings and entertainments in the different places of worship. It has seating accommodation for about 1,000 people and it has been erectcd at a cost of about £1,000. There is a library attached to the building and this should prove of great good to the large number of young men in the neighbourhood. Before performing the opening ceremony Mrs Gilbertson, who was presented by Mr Thomas Jones, the contractor, with a silver key, congratulated the people of Gwauncaegurwen upon securing such a spacious building. The meeting which followed in the hall was largely attended and Mr William Evans, of Glanyllyn, presided. Speeches were delivered by Messrs F. W. Gilbertson. J.P., C.C., John Williams, M.P., J. Jay Williams (London), R. D. Sails (Swansea), C. E. Cleeves (Swansea), D. T. Jenkins (Cardiff and London), and others. A grand concert was held at the hall in the evening.  About £600 has already been subscribed towards the cost of the building.


Weekly Mail - 22 Sept 1906


A brass band contest and quoit match wae held at Cwmgors, Gwaen-cae-Gurwen, Mr. George Morgan being the president. Four bands appeared in Section A and three in Section B. The adjudicator was Mr. H. Muddiman, F.G.C.M., Long Buckley.

Results: - March (own selection). - Class A, Tycroes; Class B, Ammanford.

Selection. -    Class A, "The Daughter of the Regiment" (Donizetti): 1st Ystalyfera Tem- perance; 2nd, Gwaen-cae-Gnrwen Silver; 3rd, Cwmtawe.   Class B: 1st, Alltwen; 2nd. Ammanford; 3rd, Brymamman Volunteers. The winners in the quoit match were:- 1st, William Davies, Cwmgors; 2nd. Daniel Arnott, Pantyffynon; 3rd, Evan Jones, Cwmgors. Mr. Morgan Williams adjudicated.

Cambrian - 31 May 1907



Foundation stones of a new Methodist chapel at Gwauncaegurwen were laid on Thursday by Mrs. Henry Gape, Ystalyfera;  Mr. Jay Williams, London; Mr William Davies, Garnant and Mr. Daniel Evans, Garnaut.

Addresses were delivered by the Revs. Rheidol Davies, pastor; D. G Jones,, Pontardawe; Rhystyd Davies, Brynamman; J. Jeffreys, Ystalyfera; J. Jenkins, Ystalyfera; B. D. Davies, Gwauncaegurwen; B. T. Jones, Neath; W. Richards, Briton Ferry; and Mr. Jay Williams, London.

Amongst others present were Dr. S. James, Gwauncaegurwen; Mr. J. M. Evans, schoolmaster; Messrs. George Morgan; Cwmgorse; Samuel Jenkins, J.P., Gwauncaegurwen; Benjamin Evans, Llwynrhydie; Daniel Jenkins,Gwauncaegurwen: J. Mark, postmaster; T. Edwards, contractor Gwauncaegurwen; and Mr. A. S. Williams, architect, Llandilo.

The building will be a massive stone structure, with seating accommodation for 450 persons. It will contain an organ chamber, and will have heating apparatus, and will be lighted by electricity. The front will be holed stone work with massive Bath stone tracery windows, copings, etc.

The total cost will be about £ 2,450. Mr. Tom Edwards, contractor, Gwauncaegurwen, is carrying out the work from plans prepared by Mr. A. S. Williams, Llandilo.

Cambrian - 27 Dec 1907



Col. Yorke, R.E. (H.M. Inspector of railways under the Board of Trade) left Swansea on Thursday in a special train, accompanied by Mr. W. T. Dunsdon (GWR. Divisional Inspector), and other officials, to inspect the Gwaun-cae-Gurwen new railway, which is to be opened for passenger traffic on January 1st. The Colonel formally approved of the new undertaking.

Cambrian - 8 May 1908




 An inquest was held at the Swansea Hospital on Monday on Hugh Evans (59), commercial traveller, who died at the Hospital on May 1st.  Mr. Davies (Messrs. Aeron Thomas and Co.) represented the relatives.

David Thomas Evans. Glanamman-road, Cwmaman, Aberdare, son of deceased, gave evidence of identification.

William Evans, Cloth Hall, Gwauncacgurwen, said on the night of December 7th deceased was crossing a plank bridge, and the next thing witness knew was that he in  the water, having fallen off the bridge.  Deceased, when witness went to assist him said he had broken his leg. Deceased knew the bridge well having lived about there for some nine years.  Deceased was carried to his house and a doctor called. Deceased was an agent for the Imperial  Condiment Company of Chelsea. The accident happened at  ten o'clock at night.

By Mr. Davies: Witness heard groans and that was why he knew he was where he was found. Witness could not say how long deceased  was in the water.

Benjamin Thomas, Gwauncaegurwen,  said  deceased lived near witness. Evans came to witness for assistance and they went and found him in the river.

Dr. Hamilton Quick said deceased was a admitted on December 14th, and the injured leg was amputated.  In January deceased had a stroke. Death took place suddenly on May 1st from syncope following on the compound  fracture of the leg

A verdict to this effect was returned.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 24 September 1909


Under the auspices of the Cwmamman Recreation Ground Committee successful sports were held on the ground on Saturday last. The weather proved most favourable, and there was a very satisfactory attendance, although not quite up to the expectation. There were a large number ot entries received, but the acceptances for the chief events were not what was expected considering that the first prize for the l20 yards open was one of ten guineas. The following were the officials: - Judges of carnival  Mrs. Fisher, Ammanford: Mrs Price, Ammanford: Mrs Vaughan, Brynamman. Judges of foot events: Dr T. Morgan, Garnant; Dr. E. C. Byrne, Brynamman;  Dr. C. T. Hawkins, Garnant. Starter; Mr. Daniel Jones, Glanamman. Starter of Marathon race, Mr D. Davies, Brynamman; starters of carnival, Messrs. J. Rees and Naunton Evans; clerk of course, Mr E. J. Jones; official handicapper,  Mr Ted Lewis, Pontypridd; chairman of committee. Mr Morgan; treasurer. Mr J. Rees; secretary, Mr E. Thomas.

The programme of events was as follows: - 

Carnival. - This proved a great attraction, and the characters represented were all well done. Headed by the Cwmamman Silver Prize Band, the carnival started from Glanamman Council School and proceeded along the main road at Garnant, hence through Stepney-road and Garnant-road returning via Station-road to field.

First prize, John Bevan and party, representing a Welsh party (Cymru Fu); second prize, Blanche Davies and party, representing "The Midgets'' third prize, Alcwyn Morgan, representing "Dick Whittington" Marathon race from Post Office, Upper Brynamman, via Gwauncaegurwen to the Glanamman-square, hence via Horny-road to field, with six laps round course; total distance about seven miles - 1, D. T. Lewis, Burry Port; 2, H. Cullum, Cardiff; 3, T. James, Glanamman. A feature of this race was that a young boy named Willie Lewis, Glanamman, aged 12 years, competed, and although not winning a prize covered the whole distance in very good time. The spectators, in appreciation of the young lad's pluck, made up a collection for him.

100 Yards Foot Race Handicap, for boys under 15: First heat, 1, J. R. Davies, Tirydail: 2, Martin L. Cox, Llanelly.

Second heat: 1, Tom Davies, Gwauncaegurwen; 2, Maldwyn Jones, Glanamman.

Third heat, 1, Emrys Hopkin, Cwmtwrch 2, Glyndwr Roberts, Glanamman.

Final heat, 1. Emrvs Hopkin, Cwmtwrch 2, J. Rees Davies, Tirydail; 3, Tom Davies, Gwauncaegurwen.

300 Yards Foot Race Open Handicap: First heat, 1. Joseph L. Davies, Ammanford. Second beat: 1, E. J. Price, Gwauncaegurwen: 2. J. Thomas, Newcastle-Emlyn. Third heat, 1, J. Daniel. Ystalyfera. Fourth heat: 1, Gwyn R. Griffiths, Clydach. Final heat, 1. J. Daniel, Ystalyfera 2, J. Thomas, Newcastle-Emlyn: 3; E. J. Price, Gwauncaegurwen. Gwyn R. Griffiths, Clydach, came in first in the final, but he was disqualified.

Half-mile Foot Race Open Handicap - 1, J. Thomas, Newcastle-Emlyn; 2, R. T. Rees, Llandebie; 3 H. Callum, Cardiff.

120 Yards Foot Race Open Handicap,  R. O. Rees, Glanamman: second heat, B. Morgan, Penrhiwceiber: third heat, E. J. Price. Gwauncaegurwen: fourth heat, T. M. Jones, Ammanford; fifth heat, James Ingram. Mountain Ash; sixth heat, W. Thomas, Tirydail; final heat, 1, W. Thomas. Tirydail (14yds),  2. James Ingram, Mountain Ash (14 1.2 yds.): 3. R. O. Rees, Glanamman (8 yds.).

The Cwmamman Silver Prize Band, under the leadership of Mr Ben Jones, were present, and played selections during the intervals.

Cambrian - 11 Feb 1910



"A general Court Baron of the Manor of Kaegurwen" was held at the  Mountain Hare Inn, Cwmllynfell, on Thursday, when "all persons owing chief rent, suit, and service claiming admittance to any hereditaments holden of the said Manor or having any other business to transact at the said Court" were required to attend. Mr C J C Wilson, deputy steward of the Manor, presided, and there were also present Messrs. H N. Miers, C. A. Branfill (lords of the manor), Jno. Rees, S. Jenkins, D. Jenkins, J. Evans, Wm. Davies, B.Evans,. T. Evans, T. Howells, S. Morgan and Rd. Morgan, copyholders of the manor. Mr. Thos. Evans was chosen as Reeve, in succession to his father, Mr. Jenj. Evans. The jury, of which Mr. S. Jenkins was foreman, made presentment of the following encroachments of the common land;- Thos Price, collier, erection of large shed; Wm. and Ann Hopkins erection of tin sheds; Hermon Congregational Chapel enclosure of piece of land for burial purposes; - Davies, Brynaman, erection of shed; Pontardawe  District Council erection of urinal; Amman Bill Posting Co., erection of three boardings.

Messrs. John Rees and Thos Howells were appointed to collect a fine of 2s. 6d. from all copyholders who, though summoned had not attended. Mr. Thomas Davies proposed that they should get the Pontardawe Council to take over a road on the common but it was explained by the chairman that efforts had been made to persuade them to do so, but they could not agree as to the terms. It was decided to get the local member to bring the matter up again  before the Council. It was stated that the disagreement was over the mineral lessees being allowed to cross the road with their tram lines.

Mr. H. N. Miers also offered to see the Chairman of the Pontardawe Council on the matter.

 An application was made by Mr. Isaac, the schoolmaster, for permission for the Midland Railway Co. to erect a gate at Cwmllynfell Station. It was explained that the people in the neighbourhood were subjected to a great deal of   inconvenience at present owing the fact that heavy parcels had to be carried up an incline to the I station, a distance of 50 yards. The com- pany wanted an easement over the old parish road, and if this was granted they were prepared to erect the gate at their own expense, for the convenience of the public.

The foreman of the jury suggested that the permission may be given, but the Chairman was of the opinion that it would be better to consider the question thoroughly and see what was the best course to adopt in the interests of both parties.-This was agreed upon.

This closed the business of the Court.

Subsequently the lords of the manor entertained the homagers to a dinner that was splendidly served and cooked by Host Samuels, Mr. H. N. Miers presiding

Mr. S. Jenkins proposed the health of the lord and ladies of the manor, and expressed the hope that the Leet Courts would be continued regularly in the future.

Replying for the lords and ladies of the manor Mr. H. N. Miers said there were a number of old laws passed four or five hundred years ago, when the condition of life in the country were vastly different to those of the present time, and, they  experienced some difficulty in carrying  these laws out. If our forefathers were to come back to life and looked upon the Amman Valley they would see what a great change had taken place, and how industries had sprung up everywhere. It was essentially in the interests of the community that care should be taken with regard to the working of the minerals, because it was upon these, after all, that the prosperity of the community would depend. (Applause.)

Mr. Ben Evans proposed the health of the steward of the manor and Mr Dan Jenkins seconded.

 Mr.Wilson, replying on behalf of the steward, Mr. A. T. Williams, said that in regard to certain proceedings against a resident of the locality who had encroached upon the common land, the order of the Court would have to be enforced. When, however, this had been done, he hoped that there would be no ill-feeling, as he wished to see them all friends. (Applause.)

Mr. Thomas proposed the health of the agent of the estate, and Mr. C. A. Branfill replied.

A toast to the Press concluded a most enjoyable function.

Cambrian - 15 April 1910


Garnant Gas Co's Bill was before the  Chairman of Committees (Lord Onslow) in House of Lords  as an unopposed measure  on Tuesday.  The company seeks to supply  gas to Garnant, Glanamman, Brynaman, Gwauu-cae-Gurwen, and Cwmgors, forming parts of the parishes  of Llandilo Rural, Bettws,  Llangiwg and Quarter Bach, in Carmarthen and Glamorgan. It was passed  and ordered for third reading.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 3 June 1910



 The I.L.P. of Brynamman are beginning to feel down-hearted. Apparently their faith is as strong as ever, but they deplore, and not without cause, the little attention that is given their open-air speakers by the general public. The last two meetings held by them at the railway stations were very small, though the speakers must not be blamed in the least. Some of our local "Young Liberals," enthusiastic, jubilant, and optimistic beyond measure attribute the alleged downfall of the I.L.P. to the effects of the lecture recently delivered under the auspices of the League of Young Liberals.

A pretty wedding was solemnized by the Rev. J. Lee Davies at Siloam Chapel last Saturday. The contracting parties were Mr. Thomas G. Evans, Banwen, and Miss Minnie Ann Booth, Brynamman- road. The bride was very becomingly dressed, and the pleasant ceremony was regarded with much interest throughout the neighbourhood. Their many friends wish the youthful pair may have a long and happy life together.

The following local gentlemen have been nominated as candidates for the two additional seats that have been granted to Caegurwen Ward on the District Council: David James Davies, Caenewydd, Gwauncaegurwen, collier: David Lewis, Myrtle Hill. Gwauncaegurwen. timberman: David J. Thomas Brynamman, colliery manager: W. R. Thomas. Pontardawe-road, Cwmgorse. collier; Morgan Daniel Williams, Cwmnanthir, collier.

The Scarbro Cinematograph Co. have been entertaining us at the Public Hall several times during this and the last week. The pictures were exceptionally good, and large audiences were the rule.

 Messrs. the Gwauncaegurwen Colliery Co. will shortly proceed to sink a new pit to work the Brass or Peacock Vein. The shaft, which will be of large diameter -18 feet - will be sunk close to Brook Colliery. If this new undertaking will be as successful as all the other collieries under the same management, a multitude will have good cause to be thankful.

Last Saturday, after prolonged suffering,  the death took place at the age of 57 of Mr. William Hugh, Glyn-road. Brynamman Mr. Hugh, who leaves a widow and large but grown-up family, was greatly respected by all, and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved.

As the JOURNAL readers are aware, the inhabitants who reside at the Bamwen have continual cause to complain of the extremely insanitary state of the ground during and after our fairs. With the view of getting the several nuisances caused by the shows, etc., abated. Councillor Alexander is calling the attention of the Pontardawe District Council to the matter, and has given notice of motion. The people (homagers) who receive tolls from the showmen who visit the Banwen are to be requested to erect the necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of the showmen, properly drain the place, and generally to maintain the Banwen in a proper state of sanitation.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 5 August 1910


SINKING OF A NEW PIT. - The Gwaun-cae-gurwen and Brynamman Company are making preparations for the sinking of the East Pit. The winding engine for sinking has been assembled, and there is now ready the pit headgear, etc. The sinking contract has already been given out, but it is not known at present when a start will be made. The management of the Gwauncaegurwen Collieries have decided to adopt electricity as a motive power for the whole of their machinery excepting the winding engines of the pits

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 7 October 1910



Excellent progress is being made in sinking the East Pit at Gwauncaegurwen. A depth of over eighty feet has already been reached, and the walling of the second portion of the shaft has been commenced.

At one time much water caused some inconvenience, but by using the patent water-barrel described in these notes some weeks ago, sinking was carried on all the time.

Three shifts per day are worked, from nine to twelve men being engaged in sinking and taking the water during each shift. When it is realized that twelve men can find plenty of room in the shaft while sinking, the huge size of the pit can well be imagined. The sinkers, who are a very well-behaved set of men (contrary to the popular belief), and are very robust and hardy. It is a marvellous sight when they are at work. Almost all the time, they are waist-deep in water. But they seem to heed not the water, for the snatches of happy songs that arise to the top of the pit, to the accompaniment of the sledge-hammer blows on the boring chisels, go far to prove that sinkers are determined to live happily, if not well.


The Quarter-bach portion of Upper Brynamman and Tai'rgwaith were for the first time lit by electricity last Saturday. It is now, surely, time for Park Lane to be similarly blessed, and it is hoped that our local members on the Pontardawe District Council will take the matter in hand as soon as possible

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 11 November 1910



On Tuesday week the workmen employed at the Gwaun-cae-gurwcn Collieries, to the number of about 1.300, handed in to the management a month's notice owing, it is alleged, to the illegal dismissal of one of the hauling enginemen and the question of non-Unionists.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 25 July 1913


[By "Park Lane")

The date July 21st, 1913, will in future be a memorable one in. this district. On that day the first tram of coal was wound up at the East Pit, one of the Gwauncaegurwen Collieries.

The very first coal-wind was made by Mrs. Hargreaves, the revered wife of Mr. Joseph Hargreaves, the general manager of the collieries.  As calm and collected as any engineman, Mrs. Hargreaves manipulated the levers so well that the multitude of onlookers were perfectly astounded at the precision with which the huge cage, containing two trams of coal, was wound to the surface.

The next duty was to weigh the coal. The first tram was weighed by Miss Alice Hargreaves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hargreaves, and the second one by Mrs. Fred Hargreaves, the help-meet of Mr. Fred Hargreaves, the assistant general manager. All was witnessed and lustily cheered by the workmen, who had left off work in order to view the happy scene. This being over, there came brief speeches from the group of principal officials, which included Mr. R. L. Sails, J.P., of Swansea. The writer is informed that the adresses were almost as greatly enjoyed as the distribution of "largess"' which was made on a generous scale towards the end.

Llais Llafur - 14 March 1914

Election of Checkweigher at New Cwmgors Colliery    To fill the vacancy created by the appointment of Mr John J. James to be sub-agent of the Anthracite District, the workmen at Cwmgors are about to appoint a successor, and at the first ballot the voting was as follows ;

James P. Davies 77

David loan Thomas 66

William Morgan Davies 61

W. Richard Thomas (Merthyr) 60

Williams Davies (Llandafi) 46

Rhys T Davies 15

Joan Lloyd Morgan 9

W. John Davies (Aberdare) 7

Thomas Thomas (Merthyr). 6

Wm. Owen 6

John Evans, Cloth Hall. 6

Total votes. 359

  The following candidates will be submitted a  second ballot, which will take place on Friday, the 13th inst

James P. Davies.

David loan Thomas.

Wm. Morgan Davies.

Wm. Richard Thomas (Merthyr).

Amman Valley Chronicle - 3 September 1914


We have been asked to give publicity to the following appeal:


Would you allow me, through your colums, to make an earnest appeal to all able-bodied men of the Cwmgors, G.C.G., and Lower Brynamman district to enrol as members of the recently formed Volunteer Territorial Reserve. By joining, men do not pledge themselves for foreign, nor necessarily, for home service. No oath is taken. What they do is this. They signify their willingness to take their small share in the defence of the country in case of extreme necessity.

This necessity, we all hope, will never arise, but at the same time it must be provided for. It is with the object ot making men more efficient in the performance of that duty that this Volunteer Reserve has been formed.

Already 63 men have enrolled, some of them married with families to support. Drills are held three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7. So far they have been held at Cwmgors, but if members desire, a more convenient centre could no doubt be found. There are competent experienced men to teach the drill, which in itself is immensely interesting recreation. It is hoped at once to start rifle practice.

Come then and join us and show that you approve of the action of the Government in saying nay to a nation armed to the teeth that would inflict the horrors of war upon a small defenceless people, and, which if the fortunes of war go with it, is sure to saddle its cast-iron military spirit - with the enormous expenditure that that entails - upon the rest of Europe. -

I am, yours faithfully,


Hon. Sec. G. C. G. Territorial Reserve.

August 27th, 1914.

Amman Valley Chronicle - 13 January 1916


A benefit performance in aid of Mr. Jonah Harris, Caenewydd, who has been ailing for a considerable time, was given at the Picturedrome last Wednesday, through the generosity of Mr. Russell Hatton, the genial manager.

The local "Grand Juvenile Revue," under the conductorship of Mr. W. Llan Davies, Waunleyshon, was performed at Cwmllynfell last Saturday night. The production was well received and thoroughly enjoyed by the crowded audience.

Mr. Jonah Evans, Dyffryn Clwyd, was in his element last Saturday night as conductor of the competitive meeting at Carmel. His quips and jests kept the crowded audience in fine humour. His quaint remarks on "Will you meet me at the top?" were most apt and enjoyable.

The death took place last Sunday of. Mrs. Margaret Davies. Llwyncelyn Cottages, Tai'rgwaith. Deceased was 76 years of age, and had resided in the locality for a large number of years. The interment took place last Wednesday, at Old Carmel Cemetery, the Rev. B. D. Davies, Carmel, officiating. "Heddwch i'w llwch."

A most interesting and successful quarterly meeting of the Sunday School was held at Carmel last Sunday under the presidency of Mr. W. T. Price, Waunleyshon. The following took part in the afternoon :-

Muriel Thomas, Morgan Watkins, Tom Morris, David Rees Hicks, Gwenfril Mary Price, Melfyn Thomas, Ed Hicks, Handel Hicks, Mayveril Jones, Bessie Jones, Keri Edwards, Doris Edwards, Elfed Rees Jones, M. Thomas, Mrs. Mary Hicks, Sally Thomas, Gwennie Thomas, Winnie Rees, Annie May Wilcox, Annie Jones, A. Jones, Sunday School Choir (under the conductorship of Mr. Isaac Morris, precentor) Tom Price, Mrs. Mary Price, and David Morris;

in the evening— Mrs. Francis James, David Thomas, Mary Davies, Keri Edwards, Mary Watkins, Mrs. Dinah Morgan, Annie May James, Mrs. Mary Davies, Oswald Davies, Margaret Ann Jones, Dinah Hicks, Rosie Phillips, Lloyd Evans, Jane Evans, and Bessie Wilcox. Mr. D. Roberts presided at the organ. Great praise is due to Mr. W. T. Rees and Miss Anne Davies for their splendid efforts as superintendents during the quarter.

Last Saturday evening, a most successful competitive meeting was held at Carmel under the auspices of the Carmel Sunday School. The competitions were most keen, whilst the number of competitors far exceeded even the most sanguine of expectations. The adjudicators were - Music, Mr. J. Jones, Brynamman; literature, Mr. Charles Williams, Rhydyfro; whilst Messrs. Joshua Jones and Dd. Thomas ably accompanied. The awards were as follow - Children's choir: Divided between "Cyfeillion," Gwaun-cae- gurwen; and "Cyfeillesau," Gwaun- cae-gurwen, conducted respectively by Miss Maggie Rees, Waunleyshon, and Master David Morris, - Cwmgorse. Champion solo: Curwen Jones, Gwaun- cae-gurwen. Solo for girls under 16: 1st, Hannah M. Jones, Brynamman; 2nd, Nellie Davies, Brynamman. Solo for boys under 16: 1st, Dd. Morris, Cwmgorse; 2nd, Johnny Williams, Garnant. Solo for girls .under 13: 1st, Dinah Hicks, Gwaun-cae-gurwen; 2nd, Millicent James, Brynamman. Solo for boys under 13: 1st, W. Lloyd, Cwmgorse; 2nd, Dd. Morris, Cwmgorse. Duet for children under 16: Blodwen and May Thomas, Brynamman. Pianoforte solo: lst, Willie E. Rees, Brynamman; 2nd, Maggie Ray Davies, Gwaun-cae-gurwen. Chief recitation: David John Walters. Capel Hendre. Recitation for children under 16: 1st, Sarah A. Jones, Pontardawe; 2nd, Bessie Roderick, Gwaun-cae- gurwen; consolation prize, W. J. Williams, Garnant. Recitation for children under 12: 1st, Gwladys Jones, Ynismeudw: 2nd. S. A. Jones, Pontardawe. Recitation for children under 8: 1st, Annie Jones, Waunleyshon; 2nd, Gwenny Thomas, Brynamman; consolation prize, Lucy Anne Jones, Cwmgorse. Four verses on "Isaac" John Rees, Garnant. Essay on "Jubal"  D. Brynfab Thomas, Brynamman. The duties of secretary and treasurer were successfully carried out bv Messrs. Arthur Henry Davies and W. J. Rees respectively, whilst Mr. Jonah Evans presided. Great praise  is also due to the lady members of the Sunday School for valuable assistance.

Amman Valley Chronicle - 29th June 1916


Out of numerous competitors, Madame Ceinwen Thomas proved victorious in the contralto solo competition at the Cwmllynfell Eisteddfod last Saturday.

Anniversary services were held at St. David's Church, Tairgwaith, last Sunday. The special preacher for the occasion was the Rev. Aldred Williams, B.A., Vicar of Golden Grove.

At the request of many Curwenites I have been asked to inform Butts," the Brynamman correspondent that Mr. Arthur Moses - the able conductor of the invincible children's choir of Bettws - is a Curwenite.

On Friday, Mr. John Williams, father of Mr. John Williams, contractor, Cwmgorse, and of Mrs. Jenkins, wife of Mr. Samuel Jenkins, J.P., Cwmgorse, passed away at the ripe age of 89 years.

On Saturday evening, at Seion, Cwmgorse, Mr. Johnny James, miners' agent, delivered his lecture on "Robert Owen." The proceeds of the lecture went to the support of Mr. Thomas James, Cwmgorse, who has been in failing health for several years.

Heartiest congratulations to Miss Elsie Davies, daughter of the Rev. B. D. Davies, Carmel, on her success in completing the Preliminary Examination for the Certificate. Miss Davies sat for the first part last December, and having negotiated that successfully, she sat Part II. last March, and now she has had the pleasant news that she has been successful in that part again.

 Wednesday was a red-letter day in the life of the Rev. T. M. Roderick, the popular minister of Tabernacle Chapel, Cwmgorse, for it was the occasion of his wedding to Miss Daisy Thomas, daughter of the Rev. Tawelfryn Thomas, Groeswen, Cardiff. The ceremony took place at Groeswen, where Miss Thomas was organist, and was performed by the bride's brother, the Rev. Penry Thomas, Cardiff. The honeymoon is being spent at Cardiff. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Roderick a long life of happiness and prosperity.

With the deepest regret we have to record the death, which took place on Friday morning, of Mr. John D. Morris, Gate Street, after an illness which had prevented him following his employment for a long time. It is sad to think that Mr. Morris was not able to enjoy the fruits of the successful concert which had been given for his benefit on the previous Wednesday night. Amid many manifestations of sorrow the remains were laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon at Old Carmel Cemetery. The Rev. B. D. Davies officiated.

Quarterly meetings were held at Carmel Chapel on Sunday afternoon and evening. The work produced shewed that the Sunday School is in a very flourishing condition, and reflects great credit on the energetic superintendents, Mr. John Davies and Mrs. Mary Davies.

The presidents were Mr. Jonah Evans and Mr. Morgan Abel James, and Mr. David Roberts, A.Mus.L.C.M., presided at the organ.

The following contributed to the programme in the afternoon:-

Solos, Sally Roberts, Evelyn Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, Nancy Samuel, Melvyn Thomas, Tom Morris, Muriel Thomas, Mrs. Mary Hicks.

children's choir; recitations, Handel Hicks, Lilian Rees. Evelyn Williams, Nellie Davies, Annie Morgan. Margaret Ann Jones, Mrs. Mary Price.

At the evening meeting the following took part: - Recitations, Annie Jones, Elfed Jones, Lizzie James, Mary Watkins. Mrs. Mary Davies. Bessie Jones. Mayfril Jones, Annie Davies, Hannah M. Rees, Dd. Rees;

solos, David Morris, Dinah Hicks. Archie Lewis, Curwen James, Beatrice Howe. Morgan Watkins;

duet, Annie and Dinah Hicks:

quartette. Annie Hicks. Gertie Lewis, Nellie Price, and Maggie Rees.

On Wednesday evening, at the Public Hall, a grand benefit concert was held, the proceeds of which went to support Mr. John D. Morris. Gate Street, who has been unable to follow his employment, owing to ill-health, for a very long time. Great credit is due to all the artistes for their generosity in giving their valuable services gratis. Everyone was at his best, and apart from the good cause to which the money went, everyone in the crowded audience was more than fully satisfied with the excellent entertainment provided. Great credit is also due to Mr. Tom Thomas, Caenewydd, the energetic secretary, and the committee, for they left no stone unturned in order to make the concert a capital success in every sense. The Rev. B. D. Davies made an able conductor, while Mr. Daniel Thomas, M.E., ably filled the role of chairman, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Morgan Abel James.  Mr. D. J. Evans, C.R.A.M., presided at the piano. The following artistes contributed to the programme:-

Sopranos, Miss Mary Davies, Brynamman, and Miss Rosy Davies, Cwmgorse; contralto, Madame Ceinwen Thomas, Tai'rgwaith; tenor, Mr. W. Pryse Rees, Gwaun-cae-gurwen; bass, Mr. Tim Jones, Gwaun cae gurwen; penillion, Messrs. Richard and Herbert Morgan, Brynamman, and Mr. John Evans, Cwmgorse; elocutionists, Mr. Oswald Davies and Mr. Dan Evans, Gwaun-cae-gurwen; instrumentalists, Mr. Tal Morris and Mr. Willie Edwards, A.C.I.A.M., Brynamman.

Amman Valley Chronicle - 29th March 1917


On Sunday afternoon and evening, an excellent quarterly meeting was held at Carmel Chapel. The standard was very high, and reflected great credit on the efficiency of the Sunday School.

The meetings were presided over by the Rev. B. D. Davies, while great credit is due to the energetic superintendents - Mr. John Thomas, Glanant, and Mrs. J. Howells, Graig Road.

The following contributed to the programme: -

Recitations, Gwen Williams, Jane George, Rees Thomas, Nellie Davies, Gwynrudd Williams, Mary Davies, Edgar Hcks (Hicks), Jane Davies, Myrddin James, Catherine Evans, Maggie Rees, Handel Hicks, Doris Edwards, Gwen Price, Haydn Davies, Orwen Edwards, Mrs.William Price, Mrs. Frances James, Mary H. Howe, Catherine Lewis, Annie Jones, Bessie Wilcox, Evelyn Jenkins, Bessie Jones, Maggie Morgans, Mayfril Jones, Rebecca Davies;

solos, Edith Lewis, Melfyn Thomas, Muriel Thomas, Tom Morris, Mrs. Benjamin Hicks, Annie Williams, Annie Hicks, Gertie Lewis, David Morris. Dinah Hicks, Beatrice Howe, Lizzie Howe, Baden Evans, Annie Hicks and friends.

The Juvenile Choir rendered some selections.

Mr. David Roberts presided at the organ.

Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser - 10 August 1917


The first race metting of the season on the Ammanford Recreation Grounds was held on Saturday afternoon, when a large crowd of spectators witnessed some capital events. In the final 1 1/2 miles trotting, the finish was particularly exciting, the horses coming to the post in a bunch. "Dick:" won by a short neck. The judge was Mr. P. F. J. Bosisto; handicapper, Mr. Jack Price; starter, Mr. J. M. Derbyshire; veterinary surgeon, Mr. W. D. John; and secretary, Mr. Geo. T. Davies.

Results:- Open trotting handicap (limit horse to go full mile)- 1st. heat: Mr Hughes, Onllwyn, "Dodger": 2nd heat, Mr. Tompkins, Llansamlet, "All Silk." Final - 1, Mr Howells, Glais, "Dick" (owes 75 yards); 2, Mr. Tompkins, "All Silk" (scratch); 3, Mr. Howells, Skewen, "Tom" (owes 10yds.).  One mile galloway handicap - 1, Mr. Davies, Gwauncaegurwen, "Curwen Maid" (15yds.):  2, Mr. Lewis, Llandilo, "Happy Boy II. (95 yds.); 3, Mr. Bradbrook, Ammanford, "Renee's Pride" (75yds.). ................................. ......................   (remainder of results not transcribed but they did include a Mr Jones of Gwauncaegurwen with "Curwen Lad")

Llais Llafur - 15 June 1918


The remains of Miss Gertrude Shillum, daughter of Sergt. Shillum, were laid to rest at the Llanfair churchyard, Cwmgors, on Saturday. Deceased was engaged at the local post office, and won for herself the esteem of all who came in contact with her. As a token of regard the inhabitants sent a very beautiful wreath, while the very large attendance at the funeral further testified to her popularity. Four glass wreaths and eighteen floral wreaths were also sent by friends. The Rev. Evan Davies, Cwmgors, and Rev. John Williams, Tai'rgwaith. offi-ciated at the funeral.

Pte. Evan James, Gate-street, is home on leave from Ireland. Before joining he was a shoeing smith at Cwmgors.

Rev. D. Richards, Towyn, occupied the pulpit at Tabernacle Chapel on Sunday. Rev. T. M. Roderick was preaching at anniversary meetings at Caerbryn.

Miss Blodwen Morgan, Llwyn- celyn, Cwmgors, died on Friday evening and was buried at Old Carmel cemetery on Tuesday. The officiating ministers were Rev. Alfa Richards, Rev. J. Thomas, and Rev. Clement Evans.

Lieut. David Thomas, Cwmgors is now home from France suffering from shell shock.

On June 10.a tutorial and practical class in poultry-keeping commenced at the Church Hall, Cwmgors, and is conducted by Miss G. Wilcock, N.D.D., County Dairy and Poultry-Keeping Instructress. The class meets daily, except on Saturdays. Mr. Benj. Thomas is the chairman of the local committee, Mr. Dan Davies treasurer, and Mr. Isaac Jones, organising secretary.

Llais Llafur - 7 Sept 1918


The Tabernacle Hall, Cwmgors, was crowded last Monday on the occasion a. reception concert to Pte. Clement Davies, Cwmnanthopkin, and Pte. John Parry. An excellent programme had been arranged by the committee of the S. and S. Fund. The following took part: Solos, Miss Rosie Phillips, Miss Maggie Evans, Miss Mary Hughes. Master T. Smith; recitations, Miss Ceinwen Smith, Master Tom Smith; violin solo, Master Bense James ; piano- forte solo. Miss Muriel Thomas: penillion, Mr. John Evans and Mr. John M. Jones. Mr. John Griffiths, Brynsariol, and Mrs. J. James, Richmond House, handed cheques on behalf of the S. and S. Fund and Women's Guild, respectively, to Pte. Clement Davies and Jno. Parry. Rev. T. M. Roderick conducted.

We are pleased to see Sergt. Wm. George, son of  Isaac George, and Pte. Wm. Morgan Davies, Glanyrafon. Tai'rgwaith, home on leave.

The mining classes will be opened on Tuesday evening, September 10th. at the Council School, Gwauncaegurwen. The elementary classes will commence on Friday evening, Sept. 13th.

This is the best of a large number of englynion to the Llanwrtyd Holiday School. The adjudicator was Mafonwy, and the author Mr. Rhys Evans, Cwmgors, a member of the Cynghanedd  class at the school, and author of the popular drama, "Aeres Maesyfelin" : -

Oes Gwalia i Wyl-ysgolion - fy Iaith

Gyfoethog ei cheinion

Newydd nawdd awenyddion,

Dena'm bryd gan danio'm bron.

Mr. John David Morgan, of Brynteg, Cwmgors, Gwauncaegurwen, Glamorgan, who died on.July 25 at Llandebie, Carmarthenslire, left estate valued at £1,523 gross, with net personalty £ 1,323.

Llais Llafur - 19 Oct 1918


The Rev. Herbert Morgan, M.A., addressed a meeting at Tabernacle,Cwmgors, and also at Ebenezer, Brynamman, on Monday last.

Pte Luther Hicks, Pontardawe rd., Cwmgorse, returned to duty on Tuesday after a short leave.

Lieut. Edgar Howells, R.A.F. is home on leave. He is at present stationed at Reading.

Councillor Ivor H. Gwynne of Swansea, addressed two meetings, one at Tabernacle Hall. and one at the Public Hall, G.C.G.  Mr. Rees Griffiths and Mr. Edgar Davies, M.A., presided at the respective meetings

Pte D. Thomas, R.F.A. who has been in France for over three years, was married to Miss Mary Rees, Caenewydd, at the Registry Office, Pontardawe.

Carmel Sunday School held their quarterly meetings on Sunday last. The standard of the programme presented was very high, and the good arrangements were greatly due to the enthusiastic superintendent. Mr Morgan J. Thomas.

Mr. Tom James who had to be recently taken to the hospital on acount of a wound to the head, returned home on Tuesday convalescent.

Mr. John J. James, miners' agent, took the oath as a justice of the peace, on Tuesday

Llais Llafur  - 22 November 1919

A very successful beginning has again been made at Tabernacle Chapel in connection with the Guild. The session was opened on Wednesday evening, Oct. 29th, when the president, the Rev. T. M. Rodrick, delivered an interesting address on "Work and Play," followed by a miscellaneous programme. The following week a debate was conducted by Mr Clifford Williams and Mr John J. James, the topic being, "Which is the better company, a book or a friend." The debate was opened with two excellent papers and followed by a very high standard of discussion. Last week the programme consisted of the following short papers: Johnny Lewis on "Christ-mas Evans"; Phillip George on "Abraham Lincoln'' Tom Jones on "Watcyn Wyn"; Maggie May Morris on "Long-fellow"; Bessie M. Williams on "Pantycelyn" Tom George on "Walter Raleigh"; Morgan Lewis on "Robert Herrick"; David Edwards on "Robert Owen" Bessie J Williams on "Florence Nightingale"; Elwyn James on "Benjamin Evans, Llwynrhydie" Amy Edwards on "Huw Parry"; Maggie Hicks on "St. Margaret of Scotland"; Bessie Davies on "Shakespeare"; and Osborne Morgan on "William Pitt". The papers were all very good, especially in view of the youth of the authors. The Guild is well arranged by an energetic committee, of which the officers are.- Treasurer. Mr Tom Griffiths, and secretary, Mr Clifford Williams.

(Gwauncaegurwen Collieries)
Judging by events at the Gwauncaegurwen Collieries since the re-opening of the Maerdy Pit, there still seems to exist considerable dissension between the company and the workmen. One might ask, What is it all about? And why the continued state of unrest? Other collieries do not seem to be subject. to the same disease, nor is there any evidence of symptoms which indicate functional disorder. I hear that Mr. W. L. Cook's diagnosis of the disease has not been satisfactory, and that his medicine contains ingredients obnoxious to the workmen's palate. On the other hand the company find that the diagnosis is correct, and that the medicine is palatable. So much for cause No. 1. Next come the instructions that the medicine must be taken, and in order that it might be made more palatable, a few sweet drops are offered to the work- men. I hear that it is highly probable the workmen will accept, the offer; but it is equally highly probable that the few sweet drops will not alter the objection of the workmen. Next week I will endeavour to explain the conditions by which, in my humble opinion, the continued state of war might be brought to an end.

(Serious accident)
A somewhat serious accident occurred to Mr. John Evans (Tytwt) of Gors- street, Cwmgorse, whilst following his employment, as a haulier at the Maerdy Pit on Saturday last. It appears he was attending to a journey of coal, when the pin that connects the gun and tram gave way, with the result that he fell face downwards on the side of the road and was overrun by the trams. Dr. Timothy was immediately summoned to the pit, but owing to the unconscious state of Evans, the doctor did not examine him, but ordered that he should be taken home at once. He remained unconscious until Sunday evening. The injuries sustained are fractured collar bone and ribs. On making inquiries later I was informed that he was a little better. It is really a mystery how he escaped so well. Few of us thought he would live to see the morning. May he have a speedy recovery.

(Councillor Wm Griffiths)
According to what I am told the committee of inquiry appointed by the delegate meeting of the Anthracite District has upheld the claim put forward by Councillor Wm Griffiths, Cwmgorse, to be recognised as a Labour member for the purpose of payment for his services on the Pontardawe Council. Numerous attempts were made by delegates -  who had been instructed by their lodges - to open a discussion on the matter with a view to a vote being taken for or against the acceptance of the decision of the committee of inquiry. But the chairman of the district meeting on Saturday last objected to this as the delegates had decided at their previous meeting, when the committee of inquiry was appointed, that the findings of the committee shall be final.

(GCG Touring Club)
The G.C.G. touring club recently established in the place has been the subject of much severe criticism, mostly on account of the business of the club being conducted on licensed premises. I am told that the Rev. B. D. Davies, Carmel, made some powerful remarks the other Sunday night deprecating the project the club had in hand in utilising public houses to further the objects of the club. He was supported by the deacons, who thought that Mr Davies' remarks were very timely While, obviously, it is the duty of the church to aid in pre- serving public morality and good conduct it should (leave the doors of) the ante-rooms and vestries open as an antidote to the practice condemned.

If an improvement is to be effected by way of removing the committees and clubs that meet in public houses to transact business pertaining to art unions, touring trips. football; Buffs, concert, sports, etc., it is certainly desirable that the church must exercise its functions with considerably more activity than has been the case in the past. There is considerable weight of opinion that would have the church use its power and influence against social wrongs as well as against the valgarities of the street and the tavern.

( "Awr yn nghwmni'r Saint." )

On Monday evening last at Nebo, Tai'rgwaith, Mr David Thomas (Bryn- fab), delivered a lecture on "Awr yn nghwmni'r Saint." There was a fairly large attendance, and the lecturer dealt with the subject in a. very effective manner. Those who attended speak very highly of "Brynfab" as a lecturer. He is a poet of no mean ability and his poems are greatly admired.

(Taxi driver's loss)

A local resident - name so far unknown - losing the last train at Swansea last Saturday, engaged a taxi to bring him home. Arriving at Pontardawe the driver was accosted by a pedestrian trudging in the same direction, and asked for a "lift" to Cwmgorse. The matter was referred to the hirer, who consented. Arrived at Cwmgors the taxi was stopped to allow the second man to alight, and then proceeded to the Cross, when the driver discovered to his great surprise that the man who had engaged the car was missing! He immediately reported the matter to the police, who are making inquiries.

(Sale of GCG farms)
At the Hotel Metropole on Wednesday, Messrs. Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, conducted a sale of surface and mineral farms situated in Gwauncaegurwen.

The following were sold:—A freehold farm of 46 acres, Ty'r Isaf, Gwauncaegurwen, in the occupation of Mr Daniel Jenkins at an annual tenancy of £23 3s 6d., sold for £900 to the tenant.

The freehold farm of Gilfach, containing about 123 acres, in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Hughes at an annual rent of £ 54 per annum, was sold for £1700 to Mr. W. N. Jones.

The freehold farm of 93 acres, Gelly-Rodyn Isaf, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Roberts at a rental of £67 per annum, was sold for £ 2,100 to the tenant.

The freehold farm of 23 acres, Gelly- Rodyn Uchaf, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Roberts, at a rental of £ 17 per annum, was knocked down for £800 to Mr. Evan Anthony.

The freehold ground rent of £ 1 5s. per annum of Mynydd Bachan, leased to Mr Evan Anthony for 99 years from September 29th. 1900, was sold to Mr Anthony for £425.

Freehold accommodation pasture land of eight acres in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Roberts at £6 per annum was sold to Mr. E. Anthony for £ 280.

Llais Llafur  - 29 November 1919

Results of Local Mining and Surveying Examinations.

The results of the advanced surveying course held at the Technical College, Swansea, reflect very creditably on the students and on the teacher, Mr John H. Davies, County Mining Lecturer.

The results were as follows:—

      First class.- Mr loan Davies, Brynamnan. Mr Davies obtained 100 per cent., and a 1st prize, value £2 2s. Mr Daniel Morgan Davies, Mr Jenkin Owen Howells, Mr Thomas John Howells, Rhiwfawr; Mr Tom E Jones. Cwmgors; Mr David Richards, Ystradgynlais; Mr John Elwyn Watkins, Ystradgynlais; Mr David Edgar Watkins, Abercrave.

      Second Class.- Mr David Glyn Evans, Ystalyfera; Mr John Sidney Griffiths; Mr John B. Hawkins, Alltwen; Mr Francis Jones, Pontardawe; Mr James Thomas, Pantteg, Ystalyfera Mr Gwilym Thomas. Ystalyfera.

     Third Class.—Mr Archie Davies, Clydach; Mr David John Lewis, Pontardawe; Mr C. A. Tahany, Swansea.

      All the prizes at the Summer Surveying School held at Penarth, and the Engineering Course at the University College, Cardiff, were obtained by Mr J. H. Davies' students. Mr Jenkin Owen Howells, 21 Graig road, G.C.G., was successful in obtaining two 1st prizes in electrical and mining engineering, II;   Mr Thomas John Howells, Rhiwfawr, in Mining, 1st stage; Mr loan Davies obtained 1st prize, 2nd stage, at the Penarth Summer Surveying School.

       For the best reports of the tours to collieries, Mr Idris Evans, Church st., Cwmgorse, obtained 1st prize, Scottish Tour; Mr Johnny Jones. Church st., Cwmgorse, 1st prze, South Wales East Tour; Mr Emrys J. Lewis, Waunleyshon, G.C.G., 2nd prize; Mr Archie H Davies, Clydach, 1st prize South Wales West Tour; Mr William Davies 2nd prize South Wales West Tour.

       At the recent Home Office examination, Mr Richard Howells, Colbren road, passed his 1st Class colliery manager's certificate; Mr Gwilym Thomas, Ystalyfera, obtained 2nd class or Undermanager's Certificate,

Llais Llafur  - 6 December 1919


By John H. Davies, M.E.F.G.S

    We who have been brought up in the era of railways, ocean-going steamships, aeroplanes, and airships, hardly realise the change which the older people have seen, or how great and far reaching those changes, are. It is only necessary to go back as far as 1780, when Mr. Parsons' pack-mules were carrying pig iron over the Common to the Black Mountain to Forge Llandyfaen for a comparison. There were no roads or railways in the locality at this period. The mules, were relieved of their heavy loads at Carreg-Ffylfan (a corruption of Carreg-y-Ceffyl-fan) and put on others which met at this large stone left by the erratic ice of the glacial period. This stone was about half way between Yniscedwyn Ironworks and Forge Llandyfaen. The history of the roads has been given in a previous article.

    There was no railway in the district 83 years ago, but that fact does not signify that it was a more backward place than others, for there was not a single railroad to London at this period. About this time Roger Hopkin, of Gwauncaegurwen, sank a shaft near Caeglas-ter- race, and at the same time made a railway from the pit through Cwmgors towards Pontardawe. His idea was to take the coal to the Swansea Vale Canal thence to Swansea. The embankments and cuttings can be traced through many fields, and some of the old plate rails are used for fencing the fields at the present day. They were fixed to wooden sleepers by means of wood plugs. This first shaft was a failure, owing to the large quantity of water met with in the hard bed of sandstone in the shaft, and it had to be abandoned before reaching the valuable coal.

    The Llanelly Railway and Dock Co., made their railway to Garnant in 1838, and the first steam engine came over it in 1840. An old wag, who had great faith in horses, seeing the locomotive going down the line for the first time exclaimed that it would never return, because it was grunting terribly when going down hill! This railway was extended to the river Gwrach, Gwauncae- gurwen, and the railway across the Common to the Old Pit were made. The trucks used were not as big as those in use at the present day. Horses were employed to draw the empty trucks from the top of the incline to the pit, and the full trucks in their downward progress pulled the empty ones to the top of the incline. This was effected by fixing a wheel at the top of the incline underneath the road, around which a steel rope passed. To one end of the rope the full trucks were attached, and to the other end the empties. The wheel was provided with a powerful brake, so as to control the speed and the incline was steep at the top and nearly flat at the bottom to enable the load to start quickly and to be easily stopped. The service of the horses was done away with when the first steam locomotive came up the incline in 1869, and the incline in turn was suspended by the new G. W. Railway from Gwauncaegurwen to Garnant.

    Almost all the people went by the "L.R.D." (Llanelly Railway and Dock Co.) to Llandilo fares  -  Ffair Gwyl Barna (21st June), and Ffair Calan Gaeaf (12th November), and they had to pass through the Prince Hotel, Garnant to the platform. During these fairs, there were not enough coaches, which were somewhat similar to cattle trucks, but with neither roof nor seats. The travellers thought they were wonderful people! "Whirr, whirr! All by wheels! Whizz, whizz ! All by steam !"

   In 1862 the Swansea Vale Railway was started from Ystalyfera, and it was opened in 1864. The Midland Railway Co. bought it in 1874. The L.R.D. was extended to Brynamman in 1846.

   The Gwauncaegurwen Collieries Co. made a railway across the Common to meet the Midland Railway at Cwmllynfell in 1888. The collieries embrace an arear(sic) of nearly 4,000 acres, and are served on the one side by the Great Western Railway. In August 1901, a branch was opened to New Cwmgors, and in 1908 the first passenger train left Gwauncaegurwen by the G.W.R.   Prior to this the nearest stations were Garnant and Brynamman.

Llais Llafur  - 20 December 1919


By J. H. Davies, M.E.F.G.S

    The strength of Gwauncaegurwen lies in its coal, and the steam engine above all other agencies has been the means of bringing it from the great depths to the surface. The secret of coal power discovered, a thousand inventions followed. With the industrial revolution the population increased rapidly as the means of subsistence multiplied. Gwauncaegurwen's magnificent stone of coal is, then. the secret of its rise to wealth. We have seen the swift progress of Gwauncaegurwen through unlocking its coal seams illustrated by the rise of its population. There are some people today who, seeing nothing but evils and the shortcomings of machine industry, imagine that the industrial revolution brought death with it. The truth is the reverse. The growth of power based on coal is the giver of life. There were large families in the past, but what became of the children? Brynamman is older than Gwauncaegurwen, because the valuable coal seams and ironstones crop out there. The rocks dip gently towards Gwauncaegurwen, and the depth of the Big Vein which crops out at Brynamman is 200 to 300 yards at Gwauncaegurwen. A valuable and comparatively thick seam crops out at Cwmgors, and this was worked at an early period. Jeffreys, the owner of Llwynrhidiau Farm. opened a level where the clay pit of the Cwmgors Brickworks is situate at present. This was opened in 1833, afterwards Mr. Joseph Thomas opened out a level into the Red Vein, and this was locally known as "Level Joseph" and officially as Llwynrhidiau Colliery. Both collieries were very small at this time; "Level Jeffreys" only employed four colliers, and Joseph Thomas' level, 84 years ago, employed two colliers and four boys. The coal was sold to the country people for lime burning.

    About this time Roger Hopkin, of Gwauncaegurwen, sank a shaft near Caeglas-terrace, and at the same time made a railway from the pit through Cwmgors towards Pontardawe. The shaft was a failure and had to be given up before reaching valuable coal. Later, in 1837, Roger Hopkin sank the "Old Pit" to a depth of 173 yards 1 foot, and 12 feet diameter. The Peacock or Brass Vein is exactly at the same height as the mean sea level at Swansea. This shaft was sunk with the aid of picks, sledge hammer, wedges, hand drills and shovels. High explosives had not been invented at this time. Blasting was done with loose gunpowder, and homemade squibs. Now, powerful high explosives shatter the rock and electric exploders are also used. By turning a handle a number of shots are fired simultaneously. This was the only opening from the surface to the seam, and it served for extracting coal, raising and lowering workmen, pumping, and ventilation. These were the days before the Coal Mines Act, which requires at least two shafts or outlets, with which every seam for the time at work in a mine have a communication, so that shafts or outlets shall afford separate means of ingress and egress available to persons employed in every seam, whether the shafts belong to the same mine or to more than one mine. How was it possible to ventilate the Old Pit before No. 2 Pit was sunk? Ventilation is a double process - replacing foul by fresh air. How could this be done without a shaft for the return airway? A partition was placed in the shaft and a fire near the top of the return air. One shaft then served for winding men, intake and return, as well as a pumping shaft. On one occasion the pump rods broke and the wooden partition was smashed - then an explosion of firedamp occurred underground. There were 80 men underground at the time, and they collected to the bottom of a slope, the fresh air was very limited, so they decided to put out their lamps. All the workmen were in darkness and without any means of escape, but fortunately every one came up alive. The ventilation in all the collieries at this period was very bad, and it was a common thing to find comparatively young miners suffering from collier's asthma, etc.

    When Shaft No. 2 (Pwll y Fan) was sunk in 1847, it went into a bed containing water. Work was suspended for many years, and afterwards re-opened and sunk to the Big Vein. It total depth is 155 yards. A connection was made to the Old Pit and No. 2 Shaft served as an upcast. Instead of placing the fire at the top of this shaft, a furnace was placed at the bottom, the shaft when acting as a chimney, and on rainy days when the atmospheric pressure was low the gas was expanding out of the gobs to the furnace, and it was an usual thing to see blue tongues of flame 30 feet long going through the shaft. The G.C.G. Collieries have been comparatively free from explosions. Ignitions of firedamp occurred frequently. All the miners knew well that coal parted with a portion of firedamp. The gobs left in the old workings were very often filled with gas, which by mingling itself with the common air, converted the whole atmosphere of the mine into a magazine of firedamp. On the approach of an open light it was in an instant kindled, the expanding gas driving before it a whirlwind of flaming air which tore everything in its progress, scorching the men if they did not lie flat on the ground immediately. This took place generally on Mondavs, after the mine had been idle for some time, and many women kept their homes scrupulously clean on Mondays for fear their sons or husbands would be carried home severely burnt. The men who went down this furnace shaft through the great heat and fumes were only protected with old sacks. Mr. William Williams, Bailyglas Uchaf, whilst going down to the stables in a roadway between No. 1 and No. 2 Shafts was killed by an explosion in 1878. Another serious accident occurred on September 1, 1847, when the enginemen lifted the cage above the keps the rope broke, and six men inside the cage were dropped down into the inky blackness of the shaft, nearly 200 yards deep, and were smashed beyond all recognition. This accident cast a gloom throughout the whole district. Winding ropes were not so well made then as at the present day. The first ropes used by Roger Hopkin were flat hemp ropes. and in 1840 he introduced iron ropes. Although much heavier loads are hoisted from greater depths and at higher speed at the present day, such accidents are very rare. A similar accident to the above took place in Pwll-y-Garnant on January 16, 1884, when ten men were killed instantaneously.

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